Police: Why didn't you report your stolen credit card?
Между приятели:
A man noticed his credit card has been stolen - but he never reported it. The thief was still spending considerably less than his wife.
Un employé de banque reçoit un coup de téléphone de sa femme comme quoi elle a perdu sa carte bleue.
Due amici scambiano qualche chiacchiera. "Sai ieri mia moglie ha perso la carta di credito..." "Ah mi dispiace! Hai fatto subito la denuncia?" "No no
Die Polizei fragt einen Mann: Warum haben Sie Ihre Kreditkarte nicht gemeldet
Konrad freut sich: "Meiner Frau wurde vor zwei Wochen die Kreditkarte gestohlen." "Und da freust du dich?" staunt sein Freund. "Aber ja
- Papá
Perché se rubano la carta di credito ad un uomo questi non denuncia il furto? Perché il ladro spenderà sicuramente meno della moglie.
Miten mies huomasi
- ¡Papá!
Két férfi beszélget: - Képzeld
Um homem comenta com o outro: — Roubaram meu cartão de credito. — Você ja avisou a policia? — Não. mas o ladrão esta gastando menos que minha mulher!
Kāpēc vīrietis neziņoja policijai Par nozagtu kredītkarti? Tāpēc
Ein Mann erzählt mir
My credit card was stolen yesterday but not sure if I should report it. The thief is spending a lot less than my wife normally does.
A man receives a call from his Credit Card Company
Έκλεψαν την πιστωτική κάρτα της γυναίκας μου. Δεν παραπονιέμαι
Κάποιος έλεγε ότι του κλέψανε την VISA αλλά δεν το ανέφερε γιατί ο κλέφτης ξόδευε πιο λίγα από τη γυναίκα του.
Police: Why didn't you report your stolen credit card?
Между приятели:
A man noticed his credit card has been stolen - but he never reported it. The thief was still spending considerably less than his wife.
Un employé de banque reçoit un coup de téléphone de sa femme comme quoi elle a perdu sa carte bleue.
Due amici scambiano qualche chiacchiera. "Sai ieri mia moglie ha perso la carta di credito..." "Ah mi dispiace! Hai fatto subito la denuncia?" "No no
Die Polizei fragt einen Mann: Warum haben Sie Ihre Kreditkarte nicht gemeldet
Konrad freut sich: "Meiner Frau wurde vor zwei Wochen die Kreditkarte gestohlen." "Und da freust du dich?" staunt sein Freund. "Aber ja
- Papá
Perché se rubano la carta di credito ad un uomo questi non denuncia il furto? Perché il ladro spenderà sicuramente meno della moglie.
Miten mies huomasi
- ¡Papá!
Két férfi beszélget: - Képzeld
Um homem comenta com o outro: — Roubaram meu cartão de credito. — Você ja avisou a policia? — Não. mas o ladrão esta gastando menos que minha mulher!
Kāpēc vīrietis neziņoja policijai Par nozagtu kredītkarti? Tāpēc
Ein Mann erzählt mir
My credit card was stolen yesterday but not sure if I should report it. The thief is spending a lot less than my wife normally does.
A man receives a call from his Credit Card Company
Έκλεψαν την πιστωτική κάρτα της γυναίκας μου. Δεν παραπονιέμαι