Седи си една жена у дома е на вратата се чука. Βιάστηκε... Пътуващ продавач на прахосмукачки позвънил на вратата на първата къща в новата си територия. Отворила му жена A new vacuum cleaner salesman knocked on the door on the First house of the street. A tall lady answered the door. Geht ein Staubsaugervertreter auf den Bauernhof. Er schüttet einen Sack Staub aus und sagt: "Alles was mein Staubsauger nicht aufsaugt En ung dammsugarförsäljare var ute på säljresa i obygden. Han kom fram till ett gammalt torp Uma dona de casa Do mieszkania Kowalskiej wtargnął akwizytor sprzedający odkurzacze. Rzucił na dywan śmieci A little old lady answered her doorbell and saw a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner. “Good morning K Novákům přijde prodavač vysavačů. Na zem vysype spoustu odpadků a říká: „Všechno Egy porszívóügynök betolakodik egy házba Er komt een vertegenwoordiger in stofzuigers langs bij een boerderij. Hij belt aan Llaman a la puerta Un promotore di una certa firma va in giro a cercar di vendere il nuovo prodotto... Un aspirapolvere miracoloso. Arriva davanti ad una casa Dolazi prodavač usisavača kod babe na vrata A little old lady answered a knock on the door to be greeted by a vacuum cleaner salesman. ‘fuck off im busy she said’ closing the door! ‘wait’ he says holding the door open whilst tipping a bucket... To get a massive and immediate attention from a buyer