Търговски пътник прави реклама на прахосмукачка:
Седи си една жена у дома е на вратата се чука.
Пътуващ продавач на прахосмукачки позвънил на вратата на първата къща в новата си територия. Отворила му жена
Geht ein Staubsaugervertreter auf den Bauernhof. Er schüttet einen Sack Staub aus und sagt: "Alles was mein Staubsauger nicht aufsaugt
En ung dammsugarförsäljare var ute på säljresa i obygden. Han kom fram till ett gammalt torp
Uma dona de casa
Do mieszkania Kowalskiej wtargnął akwizytor sprzedający odkurzacze. Rzucił na dywan śmieci
A little old lady answered her doorbell and saw a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner. “Good morning
K Novákům přijde prodavač vysavačů. Na zem vysype spoustu odpadků a říká: „Všechno
Egy porszívóügynök betolakodik egy házba
Er komt een vertegenwoordiger in stofzuigers langs bij een boerderij. Hij belt aan
Llaman a la puerta
Un promotore di una certa firma va in giro a cercar di vendere il nuovo prodotto... Un aspirapolvere miracoloso. Arriva davanti ad una casa
Dolazi prodavač usisavača kod babe na vrata
A little old lady answered a knock on the door to be greeted by a vacuum cleaner salesman. ‘fuck off im busy she said’ closing the door! ‘wait’ he says holding the door open whilst tipping a bucket...
To get a massive and immediate attention from a buyer
Before she could speak, the enthusiastic salesman barged into the living room and opened a big black plastic bag and poured all the соw droppings onto the carpet.
"Madam, if I could not clean this up within 5 minutes with the use of this new powerful Vacuum cleaner, I will EAT all this dung!" exclaimed the eager salesman.
"Do you need chilly sauce or ketchup with that" asked the lady.
The bewildered salesman asked, "Why, madam?"
"There's no electricity in the house…" said the lady.