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Mary to Jill: ‘My last boyfriend said he fantasised about having two girls at once.
Jill: ‘Most men do. What did you tell him?’
Mary: ‘I said, “If you can’t satisfy one woman, why would you want to рiss off another one?”’
This morning I was beaten up by a вusтy woman in an elevator.
I was staring at воовs and she said "Press One please?"
So I did... I don't remember much after that.
Жената има последната дума във всеки спор.
В спора последната дума има жената.
Kvinnan får alltid sista ordet. Vad än mannen säger efter detta innebär att han startar ett nytt gräl.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
Hochsommer. Ein nackter Junge und ein nacktes Mädchen sitzen im Sandkasten. Fragt das Mädchen den Jungen:
Момиченце и момченце в банята. Момиченцето:
Joãozinho toma banho com a irmã. Ao assistir ele brincar com o seu próprio "brinquedinho"
Ein kleiner Junge und ein kleines Mädchen sitzen nackt am Strand und spielen im Sand. Sagt das kleine Mädchen: "Du
Er zitten een jongetje en een meisje van zes jaar in bad. Zegt het meisje tegen de jongen: “mag ik daar eens aanzitten?” wijzend naar zijn leuninkje. “Niks daarvan!” zegt de jongen
A little boy and a little girl are in the bathtub together. The little girl looks down at the boy and asks:
"Can I touch it?"
"No way - you already broke yours off!"
Генко кара колата. Жена му все мърмори:
A man is driving with his wife at his side and his mother-in-law in the backseat.
The women just won’t leave him alone.
His mother-in-law says, "You’re driving too fast!"
His wife says, "Stay more to the left."
After ten mixed orders, the man turns to his wife and asks, "Who’s driving this car – you or your mother?"
Среќен поштар
Retiring Mailman
Το φιλοδώρημα.
It was the mailman's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route he was greeted by the whole family there
One by one the dustmen lined up to shag the blonde at No.25. Finally it's the turn of the driver and the blonde hands him a tenner. "Merry Christmas" she says. "What's this?" he says "you didn't give my mates a tenner." "No" she explained
Listonosz przechodzi na emeryturę. Wszyscy z okolicznych domów postanowili
Een postbode gaat met pensioen en krijgt tijdens zijn laatste ronde van veel mensen een afscheidscadeautje ( een fles cognac of bloemen ). Plots komt hij bij een jonge dame en die sleurt hem naar...
Após 35 anos de trabalho
Az öreg postás már 35 éve hordta ki a küldeményeket nap
I'm a mailman. At Christmas this year
Joe is on his last day at work as a mailman. He receives many thank-you cards and monetary gifts along his route.
When he gets to the very last house, he is greeted by a gorgeous housewife, who invites him in for lunch.
Joe happily accepts.
After lunch, the woman invites him up to the bedroom for some "desert."
Joe happily accepts again.
When they are done, the woman gives him a dollar.
Joe asks what the dollar is all about.
The woman replies: "It was my husband's suggestion. When I told him that it was your last day at work, he told me 'F**k him, give him a dollar. The lunch was my idea."
Женската интуиция направо ме поразява.
Поражаюсь женской интуиции.
My wife is incredibly smart. When I called her from my buddy’s phone she answered
My girlfriend is sooo smart!
I called her from my friend's phone and she said
"What's up honey?"
She already knew i am on the other side
Έχασα την γυναίκα μου!
Στο σούπερ μάρκετ
Мъж се приближава към хубаво момиче в супермаркет.
Je faisais mes courses avec ma femme et je ne la trouvais plus quand j'ai vu cette femme.
Un uomo al supermercato non riesce a trovare la moglie e
In a supermarket Ivan lost sight of his wife. He comes up to a nice young lady and asks
Ein Mann spricht eine Frau im Supermarkt an: "Wissen Sie
En man går fram till en storbystad blond snygging på ett varuhus. - Ursäkta
Un gars aborde une jolie jeune femme dans un supermarché. Surprise
A guy walks up to a beautiful woman in a shopping mall. "Excuse me" he says "But I've lost my wife here somewhere and I can't find her. Could you please help me?" "What do you need me to do?" asks...
A man approached a very beautiful woman in a large supermarket and said, "I've lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?
"Why do you want to talk to me?" she asked puzzled.
"Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman, my wife appears out of nowhere."
Ich schrie: "Es ist ein Junge. Ich kann es noch gar nicht fassen. Es ist ein Junge." Ich war so gerührt
"It's a boy!" I shouted tears rolling down my face "I don't believe it. A boy!" Its at that moment I decided I'd never visit Thailand again.
11 years ago today my pal James came running out shouting lts a boy!" With tears streaming down his face. We never went back to Thailand.
"It's a boy," I shouted, as tears began to roll down my cheeks. "I can't believe it, it really is a boy."
That's when I swore never to return to Thailand.
"Honey," said this husband to his wife, "I invited a friend home for supper."
"What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I haven't been shopping, all the dishes are dirтy, and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!"
"I know all that."
"Then why did you invite a friend for supper?"
"Because the poor fool's thinking about getting married."
Warum sind Junggesellen schlanker?
Unterschied verheiratet oder nicht
Γιατί οι παντρεμένες γυναίκες είναι πιο παχουλές από τις ανύπαντρες;
Οι παντρεμένοι
Το φως του μπάνιου...
Защо женените мъже надебеляват?
Γιατί ο παντρεμένος άντρας ειναι πιο παχύς από έναν εργένη;
Каква е разликата между омъжена и неомъжена жена?
Защо ергените са по слаби от оженените?
Zwei ehemalige Schulkameraden treffen sich nach 30 Jahren wieder.
- En fait c'est très simple :
Um sujeito gordo e outro magro conversavam. Diz o gordo: — Como é que você consegue se manter assim
Pourquoi les hommes mariés prennent-ils du poids
What's the difference between a bachelor & a married man? Bachelor comes home
¿Por qué un soltero esta más flaco que un casado? Porque el soltero va a la nevera y como no le gusta lo que ve va a la cama. En cambio el casado va a la cama y como no le gusta lo que ve va a...
Warum sind Junggesellen schlanker und Ehemänner dicker? Der Junggeselle kommt Nachhause
Hvorfor er det at gifte kvinder de vejer meget mere end single kvinder? – Det er selvfølgelig fordi at single kvinder kommer hjem
Singelkvinnor kommer hem
Minkä takia parisuhteessa elävät naiset ovat yleensä lihavampia kuin sinkkunaiset? - Kun sinkkunaiset ensin katsovat
Varför väger gifta kvinnor mer än singelkvinnor? Singelkvinnor kommer hem
Jaka jest różnica między mężczyzną kawalerem
Om welke reden zouden de getrouwde vrouwen steeds verzwaren
Pourquoi les célibataires sont maigres ? et pourquoi les hommes mariés sont gros ? Tout simplement parce que le célibataire
Waarom zijn getrouwde vrouwen over het algemeen dikker dan vrouwen die vrijgezel zijn? Vrouwen die vrijgezel zijn komen thuis
Quelle est la différence entre un célibataire Maigre et un homme marié gros ? - Quand le célibataire rentre chez lui
Vet du hva forskjellen på en gift og en singel mann er? En singel mann kommer trøtt og sliten hjem og sjekker hva som er i kjøleskapet før han legger seg i sengen. En gift mann kommer hjem og ser...
Miksi naimisissa olevat naiset ovat lihavampia kuin sinkut? - Kun sinkkunainen tulee kotiin
P: Pq o homem casado é mais gordo q o homem solteiro ? Pq o homem solteiro chega em casa
Why are marriend women heavier than single women?
Single women come home, see what's in the refrigerator and go to bed.
Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to the refrigerator.
Ако жена е разстроена
Если женщина расстроена — обнимите её и скажите
Quand une femme est en colère prenez la dans les bras et dites lui qu'elle est belle.
If a woman is upset, hold her and tell her how beautiful she is.
If she starts to growl, retreat to a safe distance and throw chocolate at her.
Never marry a woman who was captain of the debate team.
"Does she have a boyfriend?"
"Yes, a cute, strong and clever one."
"What's the name?"
"John, Michael and Bill."
Социологическо изследване.
85% der Frauen finden ihren Arsch zu dick
A survey was conducted by asking women of what they thought of their аss.
85% of women said that they thought that their аss was too big.
10% of women said that they thought that their аss was too small.
5% of women said that they would marry him again.
What was the first word out of Adam's mouth when he first saw Eve?
Whoa man! Thus, the word "woman" was created.
Glücklichste Frau
пара лежит в постели
Двойка са в леглото.
Жена към мъжа си:
Husband: "Right now
Un couple vient de se payer une sacrée dispute juste avant d'aller se coucher. Madame a décidé de faire ce qu'il faut pour le rabibochage : elle attend son mari
A couple is lying in bed. The man says, "I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world."
The woman says, "I'll miss you."
Gassy Granny
Отива един при лекаря.
Една старица отива на лекар. Той я пита какъв е проблема и. Старата жена казва:
Баба отива на лекар.
This little old lady goes to the doctor and says
Un'anziana signora si reca del medico per cercare di risolvere un problema. "Dottore ho un problema di gas intestinali. La cosa non mi dà poi così fastidio
Kommt eine ältere Dame zum Arzt und sagt: "Sie
Una vieja va al médico para atenderse: - Doctor
En gammal man går till doktorn med en pinsam åkomma. – Jag släpper väder hela tiden. Det luktar inte och det låter ingenting
Een klein oud vrouwtje gaat naar de dokter en zegt: "Dokter
An old woman goes to the doctor complaining of extremely smelly gas. “I don’t understand it
Um senhora bem velhinha vai ao médico e diz: — Doutor
Um velhinho foi ao médico e chegando lá
A 90 year old women goes to the doctor.
- Dr, I can't stop farting, sure they don't smell and make no noise but still i can't take it any more.
- Well take these pills every day and come back in a week.
- Dr, what did you do to me not only am i still farting now they smell as well!
- Oh very well, now about your hearing...