Έχασα την γυναίκα μου!
Στο σούπερ μάρκετ
Мъж се приближава към хубаво момиче в супермаркет.
Je faisais mes courses avec ma femme et je ne la trouvais plus quand j'ai vu cette femme.
A man approached a very beautiful woman in a large supermarket and said
Un uomo al supermercato non riesce a trovare la moglie e
In a supermarket Ivan lost sight of his wife. He comes up to a nice young lady and asks
Ein Mann spricht eine Frau im Supermarkt an: "Wissen Sie
En man går fram till en storbystad blond snygging på ett varuhus. - Ursäkta
Un gars aborde une jolie jeune femme dans un supermarché. Surprise
"What do you need me to do?" asks the woman.
"Just stand here and talk to me" the man replies.
"How's that going to help?" she asks.
"No idea really... but every time I talk to a woman with воовs like yours, my wife appears out of nowhere."