One day a guy died and found himself in hеll. As he was wallowing in despair, he had his first meeting with a demon.
The demon asked,
"Why so glum?"
The guy responded,
"What do you think? Im in hеll!"
"Hells not so bad," the demon said. "We actually have a lot of fun down here. You a drinking man?"
"Sure," the man said, "I love to drink."
"Well you're gonna love Mondays then. On Mondays all we do is drink. Whiskey, tequila, Guinness, wine coolers, diet Tab and Fresca. We drink till we throw up and then we drink some more!"
The guy is astounded.
"Dамn, that sounds great."
"You a smoker?" the demon asked.
"You better believe it!"
"Youre gonna love Tuesdays. We get the finest cigars from all over the world and smoke our lungs out. If you get cancer, no biggie. Youre already dead, remember?"
"Wow, the guy said, " thats awesome!"
The demon continued. "I bet you like to gamble."
"Why yes, as a matter of fact I do."
"Wednesdays you can gamble all you want. Craps, blackjack, roulette, poker, slots, whatever. If you go bankrupt, well, youre dead anyhow. You into drugs?"
The guy said, "Are you kidding? I love drugs! You dont mean . . ."
"Thats right! Thursday is drug day. Help yourself to a great big bowl of сrаск, or smack. Smoke a doobie the size of a submarine. You can do all the drugs you want, youre dead, who cares!"
"Wow, the guy said, starting to feel better about his situation,
"I never realized Неll was such a cool place!"
The demon said,
"You gаy?"
"Ooooh, youre gonna hate Fridays."
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