Two lеsвiаns are out golfing. On the third tee, they both hit their respective ball and one sails to the left, the other goes to the right.
The first woman finds her ball in a field of buttercups. She hits a beautiful shot and sends the ball sailing very close to the green. Unfortunately, she destroys the buttercups.
Suddenly a goddess appears and says, “I am Mother Nature, and I do not like the way you have treated my buttercups. As a consequence, from this moment forward, each time you taste butter you will be sickened to the point of total nausea. You will never be able to eat butter again.” The goddess then disappears as quickly as she appeared.
Shaken, the lеsвiаn calls to her partner ,”Hey, did you find your ball?”
The second lеsвiаn replies “Yes, it’s over here in these рussy willows.”
The first lеsвiаn yells, “DON’T HIT THE BALL!!! DON’T HIT THE BALL!!!!”