Двајцата рибари и белата мечка Οι Δικηγόροι Отишли руснакът и чукчата на риболов през зимата. Zwei Anwälte sind auf Löwenjagd in Afrika. Erschöpft von der vergeblichen Pirsch lehnen sie ihre Gewehre an einen Baum Two campers are walking through the woods when a huge brown bear suddenly appears in the clearing about 50 feet in front of them. The bear sees the campers and begins to head toward them. The first guys drops his backpack Чукча и геолог събират камъни на брега на океана. Изведнъж виждат към тях да се насочва огромна Two hikers are out hiking. All of a sudden Two men were walking through the woods when a large bear walked out into the clearing not more than fifty feet from them. The first man dropped his backpack and dug out a pair of running shoes. Then Two friends were walking through the woods when they thought they heard something. They turned around and saw a big black bear coming towards them. Both men started to run when one of them stopped to change into tennis shoes. The second man said "You don't have time to change shoes. You can't... En advokat och hans klient var ute och gick då plötsligt en ilsken björn rusade mot dem. Advokaten öppnade fort sin portfölj Two lawyers walking through the woods attracted the attention of a vicious-looking bear. The bear noticed them Deux hommes sont partis à la chasse dans les Pyrénées. Soudain Deux touristes qui se promènent dans la brousse sans armes voient tout à coup venir à leur rencontre un lion en quête d’un bon repas. L’un des deux ouvre immédiatement son sac et commence à... Bir Amerikalı ile Japon safariye çıkmışlar. Her ikisi de son teknolojik Silahları da birbirlerine nazire yapmak için yanlarına almışlar. Derken uzakta bir aslan görünmüş. Amerikalı lazer tüfeğini... Brezsnyev és Kádár sétálnak az erdőben. Egyszer csak kiugrik eléjük egy medve Šetaju dva lika šumom i naiđu na velikog besnog medveda koji se nameračio na njih. Jedan brzo skine čizme i krene da oblači sportske patike. Drugi ga gleda zbunjeno pa ga pita: - Misliš da ćeš u...