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Бабичка отива на зъболекар. Ляга на стола и си вдига краката.
Една баба отива на зъболекар. Сяда на стола и се разкрачва.
En äldre dam kom in till tandläkaren
Aquela senhora
Przychodzi baba do dentysty
To takhle přišla do zubní ordinace pěkná ženská
Una mujer acude al dentista. Cuando llega su turno
Una donna va da stomatologa
An old lady went to visit her dentist. When it was her turn, she sat in the chair, lowered her underpants, and raised her legs. The dentist said:
“Excuse me, but I’m not a gynecologist.”
“I know,” said the old lady. “I want you to take my husband’s teeth out.”
Even though telemarketers are slightly less beloved than dentists and tax auditors, that's the job my friend took during his summer vacation.
Halfway through one of his sales pitches, he heard a clicking at the other end of the line.
Thinking the man may have hung up, he asked, "Are you still there?"
"Yeah, still here," said the man.
"Sorry, I heard a click and I thought you'd been disconnected."
"No," the man said, "that would sound more like this."
He then proceeded to show me what it would sound like by slamming down the phone.
Cloyd went to a Charleston dentist complaining his gums had shriveled up and his teeth were falling out.
After examining him, the dentist said, "Your mouth is really bad. Do you brush?"
"Ah sure do!" replied Cloyd. "Everee single day!"
"What do you brush with?" asked the dentist.
"Preparation H," said the redneck.
Tooth Fairy
Dear _________________________________
Thank you for leaving [01] tooth under your pillow last night.
While we make every attempt to leave a monetary reward in the case of
lost or stolen children's teeth, we were unable to process your request
for the following reason(s) indicated below:
( ) the tooth could not be found
( ) it was not a human tooth
( ) we do not think that pieces of chicken воnе are very funny
( ) we were unable to approach the tooth due to excessive odor
( ) the tooth has previously been redeemed for cash
( ) the tooth did not originally belong to you
( ) the tooth fairy does not process fingernails
( ) your request has been forwarded to the Nerve Ending Fairy for
appropriate action
( ) you were overheard to state that you do not believe in the tooth
( ) you are age 12 or older at the time your request was received
( ) the tooth is still in your mouth
( ) the tooth was guarded by a vicious fairy-eating dog at the time of
our visit
( ) no nightlight was on at the time of our visit
( ) the snacks provided for the tooth fairy were not satisfactory, or
were missing
( ) we discovered evidence of unsafe tooth extraction as follows:
[ ] string
[ ] pliers
[ ] gunpowder
[ ] hammer marks
[ ] chisel
[ ] part of skull attached to tooth
[ ] no dental care
( ) other:
Instead of the usual cash redemption, we have provided the following
certificate, which you may attempt to exchange at a retail store near
Thank you for your request, and we look forward to serving you in the
The Tooth Fairy
(Dentist) This is going to pinch a little.
(Patient) I love the way you guys substitute words like 'pinch' for 'pain'.
(Dentist) You're right. Hang on to your chair, this is going to hurt like hеll.
Yes 4 out of 5 dentists recommend sugar free gum to their patients who chew gum, but we all wonder what the 5th dentist thinks, right?
He says ,"Eat all the sugar you want, it keeps me in business!"
When a new dentist set up in town he quickly acquired a reputation of being the 'Painless' dentist. However, a local little girl called Veronica disputed his claim.
"He's a fake!" Veronica told her friends. "He's not painless at all. When he stuck his finger in my mouth, I bit him, and he screamed like anyone else!"
A boy and his mother stood in the dentist's office, looking at a display case. "If I had to have false teeth, mother, I'd take that pair there," said the small boy, pointing.
"Hush, Willie," interrupted the mother quickly, "Haven't I told you it's bad manners to pick your teeth in public?"
"An aide to the prime minister of Canada called President Bush a моrоn. Well that's not fair. Here's a guy who never worked a day in his life, got rich off his Dad's money, lost the popular vote and ended up president. That's not a моrоn, that's genius!"
Jay Leno
My dental hygienist retired, after 55 years of working...
All she got was a lousy plaque.
Did you hear about the dentist & the manicurist who got married?
They fought tooth & nail.
Everywhere I went I kept hearing about BLUETOOTH...
So I finally went to my dentist and asked, "What's the best way to prevent it?"
After cleaning his patient’s teeth, the dentist accompanied the five year old boy to the reception area, only to see him struggle with the oak door.
“It’s heavy, isn’t it?” asked the dentist.
“Yes,” he said. “Is that so children can’t escape?”
Вадење заб
En el dentista: - Tengo que extraerle el diente adolorido
Шотландец отива при зъболекар. - Колко ще ми струва ваденето на зъба? - 50 долара - 50 ДОЛАРА ЗА 20 СЕКУНДИ?! - Ако искате ще го извадя много бавно.
Chez le dentiste: - Docteur
Skotten var hos tandläkaren. - Jag måste dra ut en tand som är dålig säger tandläkaren. - Vad kostar det
U dentysty: - Ile kosztuje ekstrakcja zęba? - 50 złotych. - 50 złotych za kilka minut pracy?! - Mogę wyrywać powoli
O sujeito vai ao dentista: — Quanto custa uma extração? — 90 Reais! — 90 Reais? Só por alguns minutos de trabalho? — Se o senhor preferir
- Ποσά θέλετε γιατρέ για να μου βγάλετε το χαλασμένο δόντι ? - 20.000 Δρ. - 20 χιλιάρικα για δουλεία λίγων λεπτών ? - Αν θέλετε μπορώ να κάνω την εξαγωγή παρά πολύ αργά.
Пацієнт на прийомі у стоматолога: — Лікарю
Hos Tandlægen. - “Jeg bliver nødt til at hive din tand ud. Det kommer til at tage et par minutter.” - “Og hvor meget skal jeg så betale for det?” - “Det bliver 1.000 kroner.” - “1.000 kroner...
Hørt på tannlegekontoret: - Hva koster det å trekke denne tannen? - Det koster 150 kr. - 150 kroner? Og så er det gjort på bare 20 sekunder? - Tja… Jeg kan godt holde på lengre.
Dantistas: - Nesijaudinkite
Patient- Dr. How much it will cost me to extract my two teeth?
Dentist- $300 US dollars
Patient- How much time it will take?
Dentist- Five minutes
Patient- Five minutes only & it's $300 US dollars! Don't you think that is too expensive?
Dentist- I can do it in 30 minutes if you want?
Paciente: - Debe ser duro pasar todo el día con tus manos metidas en la boca de alguien más. Dentista: - Solo pienso que es como tener mis manos en su billetera.
Пациент към зъболекаря: - Сигурно е много трудно ръцете ви цял ден да са в устата на пациенти? - Не точно
Un paciente hablando con su dentista
Patient: It must be tough spending all day with your hands inside someone's mouth?
Dentist: I prefer to think of it as having my hands inside their wallet.
"Frau Schneider
Mężczyzna do kobiety: - Gdy widzę pani uśmiech
Hij: "Mevrouw
"Frøken Hansen
Un mec
- Liisa
— Дівчино
- Valahányszor meglátom önt mosolyogni
A guy is talking to a girl A guy is talking to a girl : "Everytime I see your smile
I was on a train and this woman opposite looked at me and said "Every time you smile
- Når jeg ser på Deres smil
A boy met a girl....
Girl: Every time you smile, I feel like inviting you to my place.
Boy (smiling): Why thank you... are you single?
Girl: No, I am a dentist.
Dentists. Doesn't your mouth just hurt when you hear that word? Not only painful - but expensive.
"That'll be 5,000 dollars."
"What? Why?"
"The price of gold went up."
- Защо толкова скъпо? - пита пациент
Steve phoned his dentist when he received a huge bill. "I'm shocked!" he complained. "This is three times what you normally charge."
"Yes, I know," said the dentist. "But you yelled so loud, you scared away two other patients."