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Chiste del hombre y el feretro
lange Schlange
Погребална процесия.
Млада жена излиза от магазина и изжеднъж вижда странна погребална процесия
Ένας άνδρας έβγαινε από μια καφετέρια με τον πρωινό καφέ του
Someone going to work sees a crowd of people walking. Looking at the beginning of course
Un uomo curioso vede un funerale e si ferma ad osservare la funzione. Nota subito che a capo di una lunga fila di uomini c'è un signore con un cane e gli si avvicina domandandogli: "Scusi
Saindo do supermercado um homem se depara com uma inusitada procissão de funeral. Achou aquilo muito estranho e parou para olhar. Primeiro vinha um caixão preto. Depois
En una ocasión había muchas personas reunidas en una casa y pasó por allí un conocido de la familia y preguntó: - ¿Qué pasó compadre? ¿Murió alguien? - Sí
Une femme regarde un cortège funèbre inhabituel arrivant au cimetière tout proche: un corbillard
Destrás de una carrosa funebre iba una fila de 4 cuadras. Un borracho admirado se acerca y pregunta: ¿Quién murió? y un hombre le responde. -Mi suegra!!
Fıkra bu ya
Bij een begrafenis loopt achter de lijkwagen een man met een hond. Daarachter lopen nog 500 mannen. Vraagt een toeschouwer aan man met de hond: "Wie wordt hier begraven?" "Mijn schoonmoeder"...
W kondukcie pogrzebowym idzie za karawaną Fąfara z wielkim rotweilerem na smyczy
Mies näki kadulla merkillisen hautajaissaattueen. Siihen kuului ruumisarkku
U hřbitovní brány hledí muž na podivný průvod. Za rakví kráčí muž s manželkou a psem dobrmanem
0 Loading ... Kapinėse eina laidotuvių procesija. Paskui grabą eina ožys
Trece pe strada un cortegiu funerar foarte ciudat: dupa dric urma un tip
Um sujeito
Bengan turistade i New Orleans. En dag fick han se ett begravningsfölje. Först gick en orkester
Bir adam yolda yürürken çok uzun bir sıra görmüş. Iyice yürüyünce sıranın başında bir cenaze ve elinde köpek olan bir adam görmüş ve sormuş:rahmetli çok seviliyordu galiba!adam anlatmaya...
Em um cemiterio ocorria um velório. E lá estava um cara com um cachorro pitbul com uma fila enorme atrás
Otegao se grdan desetokilometarski sprovod ulicom. Za mrtvačkom kočijom ide lik i vodi mačku na uzici. Narod stoji sa strane
Une femme observe un cortège funéraire bizarre : un grand corbillard noir
Un barbat lua micul dejun la ora 8 dimineata
Į kapines eina nežmoniško ilgio procesija
Tom was walking down the street when he sees a funeral procession.
At the head was the casket, behind was a man walking a very large dog and behind him were 300 people.
Tom walks over to the guy with the dog and asks who’s funeral is this?
The man answers, “My mother-in-law’s.”
Tom wishes his condolences and asks, “She must of been a very important person, but what’s with the dog?”
He answers, “This is the dog that killed her!”
So Tom asks, “can I borrow the dog for an hour?”
He responds, “Get on line!”
The newlywed wife said to her husband when he returned from work,
“I have great news for you.
Pretty soon, we’re going to be three in this house instead of two.”
Her husband ran to her with a smile on his face and delight in his eyes.
He was glowing of happiness and kissing his wife when she said, “I’m glad that you feel this way since tomorrow morning, my mother moves in with us.”
Two friends meet each other on the street.”Hello! Where are you coming from?” asked Bill.”
Oh, don’t ask me! I’m coming from the cemetery.
I just buried my mother-in-law” replied Sid.
”I’m so sorry!” said Bill, “But why is your face scratched all over?”.
”It wasn’t so easy!” said Sid, “She put on a hеll of a fight!”
A presser in a tailor shop arrived one morning wearing a good sized diamond ring.
One of the tailors noticed the sparkler and asked about it.
"My mother-in-law gave me a thousand dollars before she passed away. She said that when she dies, I should buy a beautiful stone. So I did!
I really do have a soft spot for my MIL.
It's out in the garden behind the garage.
Two best friends are lying on the beach and discussing:
"Last night I saw a terrible nightmare…"
"What did you see?"
"I saw my mother-in-law swimming in the sea and being chase by a shark…"
"Wow horror!"
"Horror?! You say nothing! She almost got away!"
Q: What is the worst thing an emergency doctor can tell you after admitting your mother in law?
A: Sir, we were able to save her!
“Oh, I sure am glad to see you,” the little boy said to his grandmother (on his mother’s side). “Now Daddy will do the trick he’s been promising us.”
The grandmother was curious. “What trick is that?” she asked.
“He told Mommy that he’d climb the walls if you came to visit,” answered the boy.
Things Men Don't Say:
- Let's watch Lifetime.
- Sеx is overrated.
- I don't want to go too far on the first date.
- Yes, your sister does have вiggеr вrеаsтs than you.
- Don't we owe your mother a visit?
- I'm relieved I don't have a large реnis weighing me down.
- Dessert goes right to my hips.
- I hate when I miss Oprah.
- Does this suit make me look fат?
- I'll never get tired of listening to Dido.
A husband said to his wife, "No, I don't hate your relatives.
In fact, I like your mother-in-law better than I like mine."
Toilets are like mothers-in-law: the farther away the better.
Two cannibals are eating dinner, and one says, "I hate my mother-in-law."
The other replies, "Well, just eat your noodles then."
I live in constant fear that Trump will deport my Latina mother-in-law … …
…who lives at 1887 3rd st, LA 90323, the blue house. She gets off work at 6.