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Въпрос: - Каква е целта на единг гей?
Целта на всеки гей е да разширява кръга на своите приятели!
Au fond
What's the definition of a poofter? A bloke who enlarges the circle of his friends!
Gаys are very sociable types.
They like to widen the circle of their friends.
- Аврам
- Наум Аронович
Saul and his friend Moshe, (who’s looking a little depressed) are at a synagogue talking. …
“Moshe, I’ve seen you feeling a little down over the past few times. Is everything all right?” asks Saul. …
“My son is getting married next week” says Moshe. …
“But Moshe, many of our congregants’ sons are getting married. That’s not a cause for concern. Say, what’s the name of the lucky bride?” …
“It’s Tyrone” says Moshe.
“Well I totally understand why you’re feeling sad. Tyrone is definitely not a Jewish name.” says his friend Saul.
Michael was watching the derby game between Manchester United and Liverpool;
Old Trafford was packed and there was only one empty seat – next to Michael.
‘Who does that seat belong to?’ asked the person in the next seat.
‘My wife usually sits there.’ Michael replied.
‘But why isn’t she here?’ the neighbor persisted
‘She died.’ Said Michael in a matter-of-fact tone.
‘So why didn’t you give the ticket to one of your friends?’
‘They’ve all gone to the funeral.’ said Michael.
Nerd Rap:
People always ask why I act like those nerds,
Why I correct grammar and why I use big words.
Stupid... is officially whack.
Man you look real fly, but you can't spell cat!
Popularity's irrelevant; Gotta be intelligent.
Stay in the books, and you'll be the new president.
Got an A+; they all made fun of me.
Grew up, now they're working for my company.
L-O-L, exclamation point, send!
I'm so awesome; want to be my friend?
A couple of kids in the South get pulled over for speeding.
When the trooper approaches the car, the driver says 'What's the problem, sir?'.
The trooper takes out his machined aluminum flashlight and whacks the kid across the head saying 'You don't speak to a state trooper unless you're spoken to'.
The trooper writes out the citation and gives it to the driver who responds 'Thanks a lot'.
The trooper again gives the kid a dose of the flashlight and says 'When you address a state trooper, you finish your sentence with the word sir'.
He then walks over to the passenger side and whacks the other kid with the flashlight.
The kid says 'What was that for, sir?'
The trooper says 'I was just fulfilling your wish.
Y'all wouldn't have gotten 100 yards down this road before you'd have said to your friend, "I wish he'd have hit me with that flashlight", so I fulfilled your wish.'
Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Dogs are man's best friend.
So which is the dumber sеx?
The other day a friend and myself decided to try out an aerobics video because we were both feeling very unfit.
We put the tape in and started to copy the movements.
After a few minutes we had chopped each other's arms off with chain-saws.
It was only then that we realized that I had accidentally put "Рsyсhо Killers III" in the video by mistake!
How we laughed!!!!
Me and my friend were making chai tea, and he dropped the tea on his knee. I laughed. he asked why? i called him an asian and told him to stop being so chai knees
Friend:Who are we looking for? Me: We're finding Nemo. Friend:Then why are we looking around the school? We should be looking in the school toilets!
After dying in a car crash, three friends find themselves at an orientation to enter heaven. Each one was asked,
"When you are in your casket, what would you like to hear your friends and family saying about you?"
Sean says,
"I would like to hear them say I was a great doctor and a great family man."
Karl says,
"I would like to hear them say I was a wonderful husband and an excellent teacher who made a difference in children's lives."
Juan says,
"I would like to hear them say, 'Look! He's moving!'"
An industrious turkey farmer was always experimenting with breeding to perfect a better turkey.
His family was fond of the leg portion for dinner and there were never enough legs for everyone. After many frustrating attempts, the farmer was relating the results of his efforts to his friends at the general store get together. "Well I finally did it! I bred a turkey that has 6 legs!"
They all asked the farmer how it tasted.
"I don't know" said the farmer. "I never could catch the dаrn thing!"
Mom: Son, why don’t you talk to Steven anymore? You used to be best friends!
Son: Well, would you talk to someone who is sтuрid, does drugs, and is an alcoholic?
Mom: Of course not!
Son: Well, neither would he.
My boy friend said if this gets 200 kick-аss votes... were gonna try аnаl. please don't vote. he's on Viаgrа.
Me and my friend are having a competition. We want to see if we can see what kind of people actually see this site so who ever wins wins £20 If ur a boy then kick аss If ur a girl then lame :
- )
Светско првенство
На стадион Уембли се провежда футболния мач на века - националният отбор на Англия срещу отбора на света.
Парень купил билет на Кубок Мира по футболу у сотрудника.
Ein Mann sitzt im eigentlich ausverkauften Stadion des Fußball-WM-Finales in Deutschland und hat neben sich einen leeren Sitz. Irritiert fragt er den Zuschauer auf der anderen Seite des leeren Platzes
Un avocat fou de football américain avait tout essayé pour obtenir des tickets pour la finale du Superbowl. Il parvint finalement
Een man had tickets voor twee goede plaatsen voor de finale van de Champions League. Terwijl hij daar zit komt een andere man naar beneden en vraagt of het zitje naast hem bezet is. "Neen
There was a Packers fan with a really crappy seat at Lambeau. Looking with his binoculars
änglarna spelade match på Ullevi och det var fullsatt. En man upptäckte att det dock fanns en tom plats intill honom och vände sig till grannen: - Det ser ut att vara någon som fått förhinder. -...
Finał mistrzostw świata. Pełen stadion
Mecz finałowy mistrzostw świata w piłce nożnej. Siedzi facet. Obok niego puste miejsce. Podchodzi do niego inny facet i pyta
It's Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final
It's the 7th game of the Stanley Cup Finals. At the beginning of the game
Dai was watching a Six Nations game in Cardiff. In the packed stadium there was only one empty seat
Pokalspiel gegen Dortmund
Um sujeito estava sentado na primeira fila de um daqueles espetáculos majestosos e caríssimos da Broadway onde
Een man had tickets voor de Gouden Medaille Volleybal wedstrijd te zien op de Olympische Spelen
Karel heeft eindelijk zijn kaarten voor de WK finale voetbal in zijn bezit gekregen. Als de wedstrijd begonnen is
Joãozinho estava em um estádio de futebol lotado quando um cara que estava passando percebeu que só havia um lugar no estádio que não estava vago e que era ao lado dele. Ele não se conteve de...
A man went to the All Stars game with two front row seat tickets. He sat down and then another man asked him if the other chair was taken. The man said " no
Ved næstsidste runde i Superligaen
En el partido final de la Copa del mundo un hincha se queda muy extrañado al ver un asiento vacío
En ung mand var virkelig henrykt
Stadio Olimpico. Derby Roma – Lazio. Poco prima della partita
Na finálovém zápase SuperBowlu v americkém fotbale sedí chlápek na jednom z nejlepších míst. Na narvaných tribunách se mačká spousta lidí a vedle něj je jedno místo volné. Dalšímu chlápkovi v řadě...
Egy férfi kap egy ingyenjegyet a focibajnokság döntőjére. Sajnos a jegy a stadion legtávolabbi helyére szól
Finalen i fodbold-VM spilles for et udsolgt stadion. Men en tilskuer ser
Stadio. Poco prima della partita
Két férfi beszélget a színházban. Az előttük lévő szék üres. Mondja az egyik: - Te
Финале на светско првенство во фудбал. Целиот стадион распродаден уште пред 5 месеци
Marakana puna ko oko
A lawyer trying to get tickets to a Broadway show
There was this man who won a contest and got one free ticket to the Superbowl. He was so happy
A young man was very excited because he just won a ticket to the Super Bowl. His excitement lessened as he realized his seat was in the back of the stadium. As he searched the rows ahead of him for...
John received a free ticket to the Super Bowl. Unfortunately. John's seat was in the last row in the corner of the stadium. He was closer to the Goodyear Blimp than the stadium. He noticed an...
Adam Trabzon'un maçına gitmiş. Aldığı bilet tribünün en uzak köşesinde. Yerine oturmuş ve ilk yarıyı güç bela seyretmiş. O arada ön tarafta tam ortada bir koltuğun boş olduğunu farketmiş... Devre...
In timpul unui meci de fotbal al echipei nationale tribunele sunt arhipline un singur loc ramanand neocupat. Posesorul biletului ii ofera locul unui spectator care statea in picioare. - Stiti
Vyriškis ateina į ilgai lauktas pasaulio taurės futbolo varžybas
A guy finally got tickets to the Super Bowl, but his seats were in the nosebleed section - but he didn't care, he had always dreamed of going to the Super Bowl.
So he wants to find a seat closer to where he can see better. He finds this seat toward the front and he asks the guy next to it whether anyone is sitting there.
The guy replies, "No, because my wife just died."
"Well," says the first man, "why didn't you just bring a friend or relative?"
The guy replied, "Oh, they're all at the funeral."
There was a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead, who were all stranded on an island.
One day they found a genie and he said he would grant them three wishes.
All three of them agreed that each of them would get one wish each.
The brunette said,
"I wish I was home in my bed and that this never happened."
And рооf, her wish was granted.
The redhead said,
"I wish that I was at home in my bed and this never happened."
And рооf, her wish was granted.
Then the blond said,
"I wish my friends were here with me."
There’s no game like golf: you go out with three friends, play eighteen holes, and return with three enemies.
I had a friend who was a deep sleeper. One day, a fire started in his house. Now he’s a really deep sleeper.