During the conquest of the West, two immigrants settle on Colorado land. As the area is not very safe, the man decides to install a big веll in front of the house. Then he said to his wife:
- If something serious happens while I am in the fields plowing, ring the веll very loudly, and I will run immediately. The next day, while he is plowing, he hears the веll and comes back running ... His wife says to him:
- I called you because the children were really unbearable. They keep bickering! - What you made me run more than 2 terminals just for that! But you're crazy! A few days later, rebelote. the веll rings, the farmer rushes up. Out of breath, he sees his wife crying, in front of his burnt blackberry pie. - Dамn it ! You want my skin or whatever he said angry to his wife. I said serious things. I warn you if you call me again for вullshiт, it will go wrong! The next day the веll rings again. This time again he returns to the farm in fourth gear. When he arrives the mother is dead, planted on the porch pierced by a spear, the farm is on fire, the animals have all died from arrows and from the mule only the bones remain ... Contemplating the carnage , the farmer said:
- There you go! Okay ... the веll rings again. This time again he returns to the farm in fourth gear. When he arrives the mother is dead, planted on the porch pierced by a spear, the farm is on fire, the animals have all died from arrows and from the mule only the bones remain ... Contemplating the carnage , the farmer said:
- There you go! Okay ... the веll rings again. This time again he returns to the farm in fourth gear. When he arrives the mother is dead, planted on the porch pierced by a spear, the farm is on fire, the animals have all died from arrows and from the mule only the bones remain ... Contemplating the carnage , the farmer said:
- There you go! Okay ...