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Vor einer Woche hat mir der Arzt mir noch eine Woche
Doktor mi dal 4 měsíce života. Tak jsem ho zastřelil. Soudce mi dal 12 let. Problém vyřešen.
The doctor gave me one year to live.
So in the heat of the moment, I shot him.
And the judge gave me 15 years.
Problem solved.
Castaway Gals
8 km schwimmen
99 μίλια
Eine Rothaarige
A redhead
Une brune
A blonde
Eine Blondine
Machen eine Schwarzhaarige
Det var 3 tjejer. 1 rödhårig
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are all stuck on a deserted island together.
The island is 20 miles from the nearest inhabited island so they all decide to try to swim there.
The redhead makes it 10 miles, is exhausted, gives up, and drowns.
The brunette makes it 15 miles before she's too tired to go any farther and drowns.
The blonde gets 19 miles away from the deserted island, decides she's too tired to go any farther, and swims all the way back to the deserted island.
A couple was having an argument, and the man was losing badly.
After 5 minutes the woman won the argument proving the man to be sтuрid, the man sadly says
"If my proof falls then I rome through the halls."
Then the woman leaves for 10 minutes and comes back starts giving him a вlоwjов.
The man is confused and says "what are you doing?"
She said "If I prove you dumb I give ya some."
The man continues to lose a argument knowing he will get a вlоwjов after 10 minutes, and he did.
Years later they have a kid but none of them want him so they have an argument of who takes care of it and the other leaves for good.
The man without a thought loses the argument the get another вlоwjов, but after the argument the woman starts rapping
"Yo yo guess who's the kid, not me so suск yourself вiтсh."
Before she leaves the he says "what about the вlоwjов?"
She says ask my twin sister that has hеrреs cause she did it the whole time.
Yo mama is so sтuрid that when the computer said "Press any key to continue", she couldn't find the 'Any' key.
Yo' Mama so sтuрid, she returned a donut because it had a hole in it.
Вълкът гледа-заекът виси
Върви си Мечо Пух из гората. По едно време вижда Прасчо вързан с дебело въже за крака
Блондинка решава да се беси...
Back a few years ago
A blonde decided to commit suicide by hanging herself from a tree in the park. A few days later
När Frode kommer hem till Odd hänger denna och dinglar i ett rep med en snara runt armen. - Vad håller du på med
O vizinho entra na casa do português e o encontra com uma corda amarrada na barriga: — O que é isso? Por que esta com esta corda amarrada na barriga? O português responde: — Vou me suicidar! — Mas...
– Varför hänger du här i ett rep runt midjan? – Jag tänkte ta livet av mig så jag satte snaran runt halsen
A blonde really got tired of all blonde jokes and decided to hang herself in the bathroom. As she locked the door
Det var en gång en norrman som skulle hälsa på sin vän som bodde i Finland... När han kom dit såg han sin vän hänga med fötterna i ett rep som var knuten till ett träd.. - Vad gör du? undrar...
Dans un hôpital psychiatrique
Intr-o dupa-amiaza un padurar trece prin codrul des si deodata vede un tigan legat la mijloc cu o sfoara atarnat de o craca. Il ia imediat la intrebari: - Tigane ce faci
När Ole kommer för att besöka Vegard så hittar han honom hängandes i ett rep runt armen. - Vad håller du på med? Undrar Ole. - Jag försöker ta livet av mej! Svarar Vegard. - Men då måste du ju ha...
Egy bolond kötelet csavar a derekára
Ein Mann beobachtet zufällig
A blonde was sick and tired of people making fun of her for being a blonde, so she decided to hang herself.
A couple minutes later two men walk by and see her hanging by her wrists.
"What are you doing." they ask her.
So she replies "Hanging myself."
The men are confused and asked "If you are hanging youself, you put the rope around your neck."
The blond says "Duh....I tried that, I couldn't breath."
Police officer: "Can you identify yourself, sir?"
Driver pulls out his mirror and says: "Yes, it's me."
Phones are getting thinner and smarter. People, not so much.
Η οροφή
Πέρα βρέχει....
Две блондинки отиват на пазар.
Блондинка на бензиностанция. Зарежда колата
Eine Blondine stürmt in eine Werkstatt und hechelt:
There were these two blonds and they locked their keys in their car.
A blonde walks into a gas station and says to the manager
Μια ξανθιά κλείδωσε τα κλειδιά της στο αυτοκίνητο. Πηγαίνει λοιπόν σε ένα συνεργείο και ζητάει ένα σύρμα για να τραβήξει την ασφάλεια από το λίγο ανοιχτό παράθυρο του αυτοκινήτου της. Έκπληκτος ο μηχανικός που μια ξανθιά μπόρεσε να σκεφθεί μια τέτοια λύση
Två blondiner hade råkat låsa in sina nycklar i bilen. En av blondinerna försökte bryta sig in i bilen medans den andra kollade så att kusten var klar. Till sist gav den första blondinen upp och sa: - Jäklar
Deux blondes sont dans un stationnement en train d'essayer de débarrer la porte de leur Mercedes avec un support car elles ont embarré les clefs a l'intérieur... La première blonde dit : - Maudit
Twee blondjes staan bij de auto te sukkelen met het slot. Ze zijn namelijk de sleutel kwijt. Plots begint het zachtjes te regenen. Zegt het ene blondje tegen het andere: "Schiet op
Det var en gang to blondine som var å handlet. Da de kom tilbake til bilen
Sally and Brenda (both blondes) exited and locked the car in a hurry
Δυο ξανθιές προσπαθούν να ξεκλειδώσουν την πόρτα του αυτοκινήτου τους με μια κρεμάστρα. Πρώτη ξανθιά: Δεν μπορώ να την ξεκλειδώσω αυτή την πόρτα Δεύτερη ξανθιά: Καλύτερα να βιαστείς. Έχει ξεκινήσει...
There are three blonds that went to the store.
After they get done in the store one of the blondes realizes that she locked her keys in her car.
The first blond tried using a screwdriver to unlock the door.
The second blond tried using a hanger.
The third blond tried using pen.
While they are trying to unlock the door the second blond says "We better hurry up guys its about to rain and the tops down!"
Yo mama so sтuрid she stuck her face into a book to make a Facebook.
A blonde bought a brand new car and decided to drive down from some place far off, to meet this friend.
She reached there in a few hours.
After spending a few days there, she decided to return, and called up her mother to expect her in the evening.
But she didn't reach home in the evening and not the next day either.
When she finally reached home on the third day, her distraught mother ran and asked her what happened?
She got out, obviously very tired from a long journey, and said, "These car designers are crazy! They have four gears for going forward, but only one for going back!"
Мртва птица
Watch the Birdie
Eine Brünette und eine Blondine
Το πεθαμένο πουλάκι
Блондинка и брюнетка се разхождат в парка.
Ein Ostfriese ist in Bayern im Urlaub.
Идут 2 блондинки. Одна и говорит:
Una pareja de gallegos caminaba por la playa y en eso que le dice el hombre a su mujer:
Eine Brünette und eine Blondine gehen durch einen Park. Plötzlich sagt die Brünette: "Kuck mal
Uma morena e uma loira estavam passeando. A morena disse: - Veja
C'est une brune qui dit à une blonde : "Ho
Idą dwie blondynki przez park. Jedna mówi do drugiej: - Patrz
En brunette och en blondin var ute och promenerade när brunetten plötsligt utbrister: - åhhh
Ce sont deux amis
Un lepero le dice a otro: Oye Paco... mira mira
Une brune et une blonde se balade en ville.Soudain la brune crie : - AAAAH UN PIGEON MORT !!!! La blonde regarde dans le ciel et dis : - OU ÇA
Dos atlantes se encuentran en la playa y uno de ellos le dice al otro: - Mira
Deux blondes se promènent en forêt. L'une dit : "Oh
Op straat loopt een dom blondje en een brunette. De brunette roept: “Kijk een dood vogeltje!” Waarop het domme blondje omhoog kijkt en zegt: “Waar dan?”
En brunette og en blondine kommer gående
Det var en gang to svensker som gikk på en vei så sa den ene: Titta
En blondine og en brunette går en tur i parken. Pludselig siger brunetten: Ad! Prøv at se på den døde fugl! – Blondinen stopper
Det var en gang ei blondine og en brunette som gikk seg en tur
Uma loira e uma morena
Come si misura l’intelligenza di una bionda ? Le si infila un manometro in un orecchio. Perche’ la bionda ha attraversato la strada ?- Dimenticati la strada…. cosa stava facendo fuori dalla...
Iemand zegt tegen een Limburger: "Kijk daar een dode vogel!" Waarop de Limburger naar de lucht kijkt en vraagt: "Waar dan?"
O blonda si o bruneta se plimbau in parcul Cismigiu. Bruneta : - Uite o pasare moarta! La care blonda
To blondiner går tur på stranden. Pludselig siger den ene: "Guuuud
Blondi ja brunette kävelevät puistossa. - Katso! Kuollut lintu! sanoo brunette Blondi katsoo ylös ja kysyy: - Missä?
O bruneta se adreseaza unei blonde: - Uite
Deux blonde se promènent
A brunette says to a blonde "Look! A dead bird!" and the blonde looks up and says "Where?"
Ei brunette og ei blondine var ute og gikk en tur i parken sammen. Plutselig ser brunetten en død fugl på bakken og sier "å se på den stakkars døde fuglen". Blondinen kikker opp i lufta og sier...
Une blonde se promène avec une amie. Soudain
Une blonde et son amie(qui n'est pas blonde) se promènent dans un parc. Plus tard son amie dit : - «Regarde un oiseau mort!» Et la blonde lui répond en levant sa tête : - «Où ça»
Død fugl En blondine og hendes kæreste var ude og gå en tur. Pludselig udbryder manden: - Ad
Blondinen og brunetten En blondine og en brunette kom gående.... Lige pludselig siger brunetten: "SE! der ligger en død fugl" . Blondinen kigger op i himlen og siger: "Hvor
Brunetka i blondynka idą przez park. Brunetka nagle mówi: "Och
O blonda si o Bruneta stau pe o banca in parc. - Uite o Pasare moarta
A brunette and a blonde are walking along in a park one morning. Suddenly
Birgün dagda Temel ile Cemal yürürken Temel Cemal’e derki: - "Yahu Cemal paksana
One day, a blonde and her friend were walking through the park.
Suddenly, the blonde's friend said, "Oh, look, a dead birdie!"
The blonde looked up and said, "Where?"
Death: It's your time. give me your hand
Blonde: No! i know that if i dont touch you then I'll never die!
Death: Holy shiт! You figured out the key to living forever! You're soooo smart! High five!
Blonde: *high fives*
Death: Typical blonde... Duмваss...
One day while a blonde was out driving her car, she ran into a truck. The truck driver made her pull over into a parking lot and get out of the car.
He took a piece of chalk and drew a circle on the pavement. He told her to stand in the middle and not leave the circle. Furious, he went over to her car and slashed the tires. The blonde started laughing. This made the man angrier so he smashed her windshield. This time the blonde laughed even harder. Livid, the man broke all her windows and keyed her car. The blonde is now laughing hysterically, so the truck driver asks her what’s so funny. The blonde giggled and replied, “When you weren’t looking, I stepped out of the circle three times!
Двама борци пътуват в една кола и единия казва:
Две блондинки си говорят и едната вика:
Две плавуши шетаат на Водно и едната и кажува на другата:
Det var två killar som körde förbi en skog och då säger den ena killen: - Ser du skogen? - Nej
Jadą dwie blondynki pociągiem. Jedna mówi do drugiej: - Patrz
Temel ve Dursun ormanda yürüyorlar. Bir ara Temel Dursun'a sesleniyor : - Dursun ormanın güzelliğine bak. Dursun: - Ağaçlardan göremiyorum ki.
Automobiliu važiuoja blondinė ir brunetė. Briunetė sako: - Pažiūrėk
Važiuoja blondinė su brunetė už vairo ir sako: - Blondine
A brunette and a blonde are walking in the park.
The brunette asks: "Hey can you see that forest over there?"
The blonde looks that way and answers: "I can't, the trees are covering the view."
Two dyslectic fellas sat in the kitchen...
Fella 1: "Ere, can you smell gas?"
Fella 2: "Who me? No... I can't even smell my own name!"
A blonde wanted to sell her car, but she couldn't find any buyers. She called her friend for advice, and her friend asked her how many miles she had on her car.
She answered, "235,000 miles." Her friend told her that was the problem. So the blonde went to the mechanic and told him to put the miles at 40,000. Two days later the blonde's friend asked her if she sold the car after rolling back the odometer. The blonde told her, "Why would I sell my car? There are only 40,000 miles on it."
Yo Mommas so sтuрid she got lost in a telephone booth.