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I'm not saying you're a sluт, but if you were a national monument you'd be the Statue of Liberty. A ton of dudes have been inside her.
A German asks a Mexican if they have any Jews in Mexico. The Mexican says, “Sí, we have orange jews, apple jews, and grape jews!”
So two Irishmen are traveling to Australia. Before they leave home, one of their dads gives them both a bit of advice:
"You watch them Aussie cab drivers. They'll rob you blind. Don't you go paying them what they ask. You haggle." At the Sydney airport, the Irishmen catch a cab to their hotel. When they reach their destination, the cabbie says, "That'll be twenty dollars, lads."
"Oh no you don't! My dad warned me about you. You'll only be getting fifteen dollars from me," says one of the men. "And you'll only be getting fifteen from me too," adds the other.
Two Irishmen friends are drinking together at one of their homes. One friend takes out a bottle of Irish whiskey and asks the other, "Will you pour this bottle out on my grave if I die first?" His friend replies, "Do you mind if I pass it through my kidneys first?"
Q: Why is England the wettest country?
A: Because so many kings and queens have been reigning there.
Wieso essen Franzosen Schnecken? Weil sie kein Fast Food mögen.
Защо французите ядат охлюви? - Защото мразят fast food
¿Por qué los franceses comen caracoles? Porque no les gusta la comida rápida.
Varför äter norrmän sniglar? - För att de inte gillar snabbmat.
Hvorfor spiser franskmenn sneiler? Svar: De liker ikke fastfood!
Varför tycker fransmän om sniglar? De tycker inte om snabbmat
Hvorfor spiser franskmænd snegle? - De kan ikke lide fast food!
Q: Why do the French eat snails?
A: They don't like fast food.
Does anyone remember the Swatch, a watch made in Switzerland? Thank god Croatia didn't come up with the idea first. Just imagine if someone were to ask you what time is it? "Oh pardon me while I look at my crotch."
Five out of six people agree that Russian Roulette is safe.
Q: What do you call a Filipino contortionist?
A: A Manila folder.
Q: Why wasn't Jesus born in Australia?
A: God couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.
Ostfriesen im Weltall
Στον ήλιο!
Американците кацат на Луната.
Πανποντιακό Συνέδριο
- Не
Un carabiniere dice all'altro che farà un viaggio sul sole!!
Due carabinieri parlano tra di loro ed uno racconta che durante le ferie estive farà un viaggio sul sole. L'altro lo guarda allibito e gli chiede:
Un gruppo di carabinieri annuncia la loro formidabile invenzione
Dwie blondynki chciały zdobyć nagrodę Nobla. Jedna wpadła na genialny pomysł: - No to może polecimy na Słońce? Druga odpowiada: - No coś Ty
C'est un Américain
En Ryss
Ein Russe
Einsatzbesprechung im ostfriesischen Raumfahrtzentrum. Der Raumschiffkapitän informiert seine Astronauten: "Männer
L'arma dei Carabinieri decide di effettuare una grande spedizione scientifica e convoca i giornalisti: "Andremo sul Sole!". Un giornalista: "E come farete con il calore?". "Andremo di notte!".
Jaloux des exploits astronautiques des Américains et des Russes
Varios astronautas se reúnen en la NASA. Un ruso dice: - Nosotros enviaremos un cohete a Mercurio
Det var två blondiner som satt och byggde på en rymdraket i skolan. Då kom deras fröken fram och frågade: - Vad ska ni göra med den där? - Vi ska åka till solen
Lille Per: - Jeg vil bli astronaut og reise til solen. - Men der er det da altfor varmt? - Nei da
Det var två blondiner och två brunetter. Blondinerna diskuterade möjligheterna att flyga till solen och då kom brunetterna och sa: - Hallå? Flyga till solen
Tinha uma loira
Ruotsalaiset halusivat hekin valloittaa avaruuden. Koska amerikkalaiset olivat jo käyneet kuussa
Venäläinen puoluejohtaja uhoaa
En svenske og en nordmann sto og snakket sammen om moderne teknikk og vitenskap. - Sverige kommer snart til å sende en bemannet romferge til solen
China, Russia, and Poland venture to space.
China says they'll go to Pluto because it's the farthest.
Russia says they'll go to Jupiter because it's the biggest.
Poland says they'll go to the Sun. Russia and China warn that they'll melt. They reply, "We'll go at night."
Свадба и погреб
Τι διαφορά έχει ένας Ιρλανδέζικος γάμος με μια Ιρλανδέζικη κηδεία;
Питали радио Ереван
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer russischen Hochzeit und einer russischen Beerdigung? Bei der Beerdigung gibt es einen Besoffenen weniger
What is the difference between an Russian wedding and an Russian funeral? One less drunk.
Quelle est la différence entre un mariage irlandais et un enterrement irlandais? - à l'enterrement il y en a un de moins de bourré.
- Яка різниця між російським весіллям та російськими похоронами? - На похоронах на одного п'яного менше ...
What is the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish funeral?
One less drunк.
I read this article recently that, officially, one in three people in New York are Latino. So if you look to your left and you look to your right, and neither one of those people look Hispanic, folks -- you're, in fact, a Latino.
1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.
2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country.
3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country and who are very good at crossword puzzles.
4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but don't really understand The New York Times. They do, however, like their statistics shown in pie charts.
5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn't mind running the country--if they could find the time--and if they didn't have to leave Southern California to do it.
6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country and did a far superior job of it, thank you very much.
7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren't too sure who's running the country and don't really care as long as they can get a seat on the train.
8. The New York Post is read by people who don't care who's running the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably while intoxicated.
9. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country but need the baseball scores.
10. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren't sure there is a country ... or that anyone is running it; but if so, they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if the leaders are handicapped minority feminist atheist dwarfs who also happen to be illegal aliens from any other country or galaxy, provided of course, that they are not Republicans.
11. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the grocery store.
12. The Pensacola News Journal is read by people who have recently caught a fish and need something in which to wrap it.
OK, we all know that 666 is the Number of the Beast.
But did you know that:
$665.95 - Retail price of the Beast
$699.25 - Price of the Beast plus 5% sales tax
$769.95 - Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul
$656.66 - Walmart price of the Beast
6, uh... what was that number again? - Number of the Blonde Beast
00666 - Zip code of the Beast
1-900-666-0666 - Live Beasts! One-on-one pacts! Call Now! Only $6.66/minute. Over 18 only please.
Route 666 - Highway of the Beast
666 F - Oven temperature for roast Beast
666k - Retirement plan of the Beast
6.66 % - 5 year CD interest rate at First Beast National Bank, $666 minimum deposit.
i66686 - CPU of the Beast
666i - BMW of the Beast
DSM-666 - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast
668 - Next-door neighbor of the Beast
I did think about adopting -- an 18-year-old girl from Thailand, whose hobbies include vacuuming and some light dusting.
Racism is going to end. 'Cause the way we're messing with the ozone layers, soon all white people are going to be black.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Yoghurt und einem Mann?
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Joghurt und Amerika? - Wenn man Joghurt 200 Jahre lang alleine lässt
Quelle est la différence entre un yaourt et un musicien ? Le yaourt fini toujours par développer une certaine culture.
Quelle est la différence entre un américain et un pot de yaourt ? Contrairement à l'américain
Jaký je rozdíl mezi mužem a jogurtem? Jogurt má alespoň nějakou kulturu.
Q: What's the difference between America and yogurt?
A: If you leave yogurt alone for 200 years, it develops a culture.