A guy goes to see the doctor, because he's a little too well-endowed. In fact, it's 25 inches long and he can't get any women to have sеx with him.
Anyway, the doctor says there's nothing he can do medically, but recommends a witch doctor that he thinks might be able to help.
The witch doctor takes a look at the problem and tells him to go to a particular pond, deep in the forest, and talk to a frog that lives there. "Ask the frog to marry you and each time the frog says no, you'll be 5 inches shorter."
Worth a try, he thinks, and off he dashes into the forest. He finds the pond and sees the frog on the other side, sitting on a log. "Frog, will you marry me?"
The frog looks at him, disinterested at best, and calls back, "No."
The guy looks down and sure enough, he's 5 inches shorter. Hey, this is great he thinks -- let's try that again. "Will you marry me?"
The frog rolls his eyes, and shouts back again, "No!"
Zappo! -- the guy's down to 15 inches. Well, that's still a bit excessive, he thinks. Down another 5 would be perfect. So he calls across again, "Frog, will you marry me?"
The irritated frog yells back, "Look..how many times do I have to tell you? No, No, NO!"
Ο βάτραχος με το κόκκινο κεφάλι Ήταν κάποτε ένα τύπος που την είχε (την γνωστή) 50 εκ. Kommt ein Mann zum Arzt Es war einmal ein mann der hatte ein 50 cm langen schwanz und der war ihm zu lang. Er rannte in einem Wald hinein und traf eine Fee und er erzählte ihr das Problem. Die Fee sagte: "Wenn du 100m weiter gehst triffst du einen Frosch und du fragst willst du mich heiraten Un homme souffre d'avoir un gros zizi. En effet Det var en gång en kille med en snopp som var 50cm. Han undrade hur han skulle göra den mindre så han gick till en klok man som sa: - Gå till grodan i skogen och säg att du vill gifta dig med... Pewien facet miał 50-centymetrowy interes. Stwierdził Un uomo aveva grossi problemi ad entrare in intimità con le donne perchè aveva il pene lungo 50 cm. Nella disperazione un giorno quest'uomo si rivolge a una maga Sejdou se dva chlapi na záchodě u mušlí. První se závistivě dívá na toho druhého. Ten druhý se ho zeptá: „Chceš mít taky tak velkýho ptáka?” První přikývne. „Tak běž za město k prvnímu dubu u cesty... Un Africain est très embêté par les 50 cm que mesure son sexe. Quand il court pour chasser Een man met een penis van 40 cm gaat naar de dokter en doet zijn beklag: 'Dokter Luca e’ afflitto da un problema: un pisello di 60 cm. Cio’ gli impedisce di avere regolari rapporti con le ragazze. Gira il mondo ma nessun dottore e’ in grado di risolvere il problema. Un giorno... Un tip avea scula de 50 de centrimetrii si nu gasea si el o femeie compatibila sexual. Intr-o zi se duce la o vrajitoare sa ii dea ceva sa se micsoreze. Vrajitoarea ii spune sa ceara in casatorie o... Manden og frøen Der var engang en mand Herifin biri doktora gitmis Ein Mann hat einen 50 cm langen Penis! Seine Frau meint C'est un gars qui a un pénis de 50 cm There's a guy with a 25-inch penis and is always wanting to get closer to the girls he is having sex with. One day he comes upon a witch and he tells her about his problem. She tells him about a... Um certo homem tinha um pênis de 48cm. Numa noite ele foi num pai de santo para ver se ele tinha algum coselho para lhe dar. Ele contou sua história para o pai de santo: meu amigo meu pênis é de... Havia um homem com um problema um pouco diferente. O bitelo dele tinha 54 cm. Era só ele sair com um uma mulher Um cara tinha 70cm de penis. Ele era super afim de uma moça Um carafoi ao médic. Chegando lá ele diz ao doutor: — Médico eu tenho um problema grave Turėjo Ivanas labai didelį pasididžiavimą