Donny is a 17-year-old ninth grader who is becoming increasingly disillusioned with the public school system. One day he got an easy homework assignment.  All he had to do was put each of the following words in a sentence.  This is what he did....
1.  HOTEL    --    I gave my girlfriend da сrавs and the HOTEL everybody.
2.  RЕСТUМ   --    I had two Cadillacs, but my ol' lady RЕСТUМ both.
3.  DISAPPOINTMENT   --    My parole officer tol me if I miss DISAPPOINTMENT they gonna send me back to the big house.
4.  FORECLOSE   --    If I pay alimony this month, I'll have no money  FORECLOSE.
5.  CATACOMB   --    Don King was at the fight the other night, Man, somebody give that
6.  РЕNIS   --    I went to da doctor and he handed me a cup and said РЕNIS.
7.  ISRAEL   --    Alonso tried to sell me a Rolex, I said Man, that looks fake. He said, No, ISRAEL.
8.  UNDERMINE   --    There is a fine lookin' hое livin' in the apartment UNDERMINE.
9.  TRIPOLI   --    I was gonna buy my old lady a вrа but I couldn't find no TRIPOLI.
10.  STAIN   --    My mother-in-law axed if I was STAIN for dinner again.
11.  SELDOM   --    My cousin gave me two tickets to the Knicks game, so I  SELDOM.
12.  ODYSSEY   --    I told my bro, you ODYSSEY the тiтs on this hое.
13.  HORDE   --    My  sister got into trouble because she HORDE around  in school.
14.  INCOME   --    I just got in bed wit dis hое and INCOME my wife.
15.  FORTIFY   --    I axed  da hое how much?  And she say FORTIFY.
Donny got an A.