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Pewnego dnia nauczycielka wchodzi do klasy i spostrzega
Eine Lehrerin kommt in eine neue Klasse. In winzigen Buchstaben steht das Wort "Penis" an der Tafel. Sie wischt es blitzschnell weg und beginnt mit dem Unterricht. Am nächsten Tag steht das Wort "Penis" etwas grösser an der Tafel. Wieder wischt sie es...
One day
Die altjüngferliche Lehrerin kommt morgens in die Klasse
Die Lehrerin bemerkte eines Tages
Tuesday, she was again greeted with "реnis" on the blackboard, written in larger letters. She looked around in vain for the culprit, and then proceeded with the day's lesson.
Every morning for the rest of the week, "реnis" was written on the board in larger and larger letters, and each time, the teacher furiously erased it. By Friday, she'd had enough.
"That's enough," she sputtered. "I - I can't believe this! Monday morning, I expect an explanation for this behavior!"
On Monday morning, the teacher confidently entered the classroom and found on the board: "Don't you know - the more you rub it, the вiggеr it gets?"