One day i bought a house, and i didnt know what to name it. so i went to the guy next door and said what should i name my house, and he said... walk into the woods and the first thing you hear name it. so i did just that and i heard a bunch of teenagers yelling at a bear calling it hairy вuтт. so i named my house hairy вuтт. a few days later a bought a dog, and i didnt know what to name it. so i went to the guy next door and asked him what i should name my dog. this is what he said... fo into the woods and the first thing you hear name it. so i did just that again but this time i stepped on a twig and it went СRАСК! So i named my dog сrаск. a few months later i lost my dog, imlooked all over my hairy вuтт but couldnt find my precious crack