One day while on patrol, a police officer pulled over a car for speeding. He went up to the car and asked the driver to roll down her window. The first thing he noticed, besides the nice red sports car, was how hot the driver was! Blue eyes, blonde, the works.
"I've pulled you over for speeding, Ma'am. Could I see your drivers license?"
"What's a license???" replied the blonde, instantly giving away the fact that she was as dumb as a stump.
"It's usually in your wallet," replied the officer. After fumbling for a few minutes, the driver managed to find it. "Now may I see your registration?" asked the cop.
"Registration..... what's that....?" asked the blonde.
"It's usually in your glove compartment." said the cop impatiently. After some more fumbling, she found the registration.
"I'll be back in a minute." said the cop and walked back to his car. The officer phoned into the dispatch to run a check on the woman's license and registration. After a few moments, the dispatcher came back, "Ummm... is this woman driving a red sports car?"
"Yes." replied the officer
"Is she a drop dead gorgeous blonde?" asked the dispatcher
"Uh... yes." replied the cop.
"Here's what you do." said the dispatcher. "Give her the stuff back, and drop your pants."
"What!!? I can't do that. Its... inappropriate." exclaimed the cop.
"Trust me. Just do it." said the dispatcher.
So the cop went back to the car, gave back the license and registration and dropped his pants, just as the dispatcher said.
The blonde looked down and sighed..... "Ohh no... not another Breathalyzer......"
Алкотест Wheelchair Driving H Ξανθιά με το κάμπριο... Αλκοτέστ Полицай получава обаждане по радиостанцията от свой колега: Полицай спира огромен Мерцедес Ein Polizist stoppt eine blonde Frau Un gendarme arrête une blonde pour excès de vitesse. - Permis SVP ! - C'est quoi le permis ? - Papier rose ! - Ah ! Oui ! Tenez. - Assurance ! - C'est quoi l'assurance ? - Papier vert ! Le gendarme se gratte l'entre-jambe par hasard Polismannen stoppade en röd sportbil och gick fram till den för att be föraren om körkort och registreringsbevis. - Wow det var en riktigt läcker liten blondin det där Een dom blondje rijd op de weg. Er komt een politie auto langs haar rijden en zet haar aan de kant van de weg. “Wat is er aan de hand agent?” vraagt het domme blondje. Ondertussen haalt de agent... Una loca jugaba corriendo en su silla de ruedas a lo largo del pasillo del manicomio imitando el ruido de un automóvil. De repente sale un loco de una habitación Un gendarme arrête une blonde qui a fait un excès de vitesse: Le gendarme: – Bonjour Mlle Polisen stoppar en blondin i en röd sportbil Numa blitz o guarda para a bela loira e pede os documentos. — Que documentos? — pergunta ela A policeman pulls a blonde in a sports car over for speeding and is trying to explain to her what and where her driver’s license might be. After she eventually gives him her driver’s license Un poliziotto ferma un’auto per eccesso di velocita’. Fa segno di abbassare il finestrino e vede una fantastica bionda: “Patente Sarışın yıldız adayı Poliisi pysäyttää blondin moottoritiellä - Saisinko nähdä ajokorttinne? - Mikä se on? - Se on kortti Poliisi pysäyttää blondin moottoritiellä Poliisi: Saisinko nähdä ajokortinne? Blondi: Mikä se on? Poliisi: Se on kortti Un poliziotto ferma una bionda che si sta’ facendo una strada a senso unico nel verso sbagliato. Poliziotto: “Ma si rende conto dove sta andando ?” Bionda: “no Uma loira com seu Porche passa por um radar a uma velocidade de 200 K/h e é parada por um guarda de trânsito. O policial gentilmente pede o documento do veículo e a loira responde: — O que é isso?!... Miami ‘de üstü açık spor arabasıyla gezen sarışın afet’i trafik polisi durdurur. - Hanımefendi ehliyetinizi görebilirmiyim ? - Nedir o? - Hani araç kullanırken yanınızda taşımanız gereken... Numa avenida movimentada na cidade de São João Nepomuceno interior de Minas Um dia a loira estava dirigindo em alta velocidade e o guarda parou ele _Deixa eu ver sua carteira de motorista! — E eu sei la o que e isso seu guarda. — O IPVA do carro esta pago? — Eu tambem nao... Policjant zatrzymuje blondynkę: - "Poproszę prawo jazdy!" - "A co to jest" - "To taki kartonik ze zdjęciem uprawniający do prowadzenia pojazdu" - "Aha