Екстра-големи кондоми
Extra-Large Condoms
Огромен презерватив и блондинка
Младо момиче влезнало в аптека и попитало продавача:
A woman walks into a drugstore and asks the pharmacist if he sells size extra large condoms.
A woman walks into a chemist’s and asks if they sell extra-large condoms.
Kommt eine Frau in eine Apotheke und erkundigt sich nach Kondomen in Übergröße. Der Apotheker will wissen
Una mujer muy ansiosa llega a una farmacia y pregunta: - ¿Usted vende condones extra largos? - Si
Una donna entra in farmacia e chiede se hanno dei preservativi formato extra-large. Il farmacista le risponde prontamente: - “Certo che ne abbiamo! Ne vuole una scatola?” - “No... ma le...
Intră o fată drăguţă la farmacie şi întreabă: - Aveţi prezervative foarte mari de vânzare? - Desigur că avem
Młoda dziewczyna pyta w aptece: - Czy są duże prezerwatywy? - Tak
She walks to the pharmacy and asks if they sell Extra-Large condoms, the cashier says yes and points her down aisle 11.
About 30 minutes go by and the pharmacist notices that the blonde is still looking at the condoms.
He decides to see if she needs any help.
He says, "Did you find the extra large condoms?"
She responds, "Yes, now I'm just waiting for someone to buy some."