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Ein Pfarrer
Em meio a um projeto inter-religioso
Ein Priester
Vendo Jesus e Pedro caminharem sobre as águas e entrarem no barco
Tre unge præster var taget på fisketur sammen
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris en Priester und Jesus sitzen in einem Boot das gleich untergeht Chuck Norris und Jesus gehen über das Wasser der Priester geht unter dann fragt Jesus hätten wir ihm von den Steinen...
There were 3 people on a boat
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The Catholic has to go, but when he gets out he falls into the water. He swims back, gets back into the boat, and says, "God, let me walk across the water." He tries again and falls into the water, swims back, tries again and falls again.
The Baptist leans over to the rabbi and asks, "Do you think we should tell him where the stepping stones are?"