Кинески Трипер
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Заболели у мужика яички. Врачи говорят
Een zakenman komt terug thuis van een zakenreis in China en had er de bloemetjes behoorlijk buiten gezet. Thuis merkt hij dat zijn piemel groen uitgeslagen is. Verschillende dokters worden...
Um marinheiro entra desesperado no consultório médico: — Doutor
Egy fickó felkeresi a körzeti orvost. - Problémám van
He sees several doctors.
They all say: "You've been sсrеwing around in the Far East, very common there, no cure. We'll have to cut it off."
The man panics, but figures if it is common in the East they must know how to cure it.
So he goes back and sees a doctor in Pakistan.
The doctor examines him and says, "You've been fooling around in my country. This is a very common problem here. Did you see any other doctors?"
The man replies, "Yes a few in the USA."
The doctor says, "I bet they told you it had to be cut off."
The man answers, "Yes!"
The doctor smiles, nods, "That is not correct. It will fall off by itself."