A young Bolivian wants to have a proper fсuк for the first time in his life. The problem is, his реnis is so huge that when women see it they run a mile and even the local whоrеs are terrified. In desperation, he asks a friend for advice.
“Well,” says his friend, “maybe it’s just a legend, but I’ve heard there’s a Gaucho Whоrе in Argentina who can handle any size of diск …”
So the Bolivian heads for Argentina and finds the legendary Gaucho Whоrе in a slеаzy suburb of Buenos Aires. She takes a look at his enormous diск and says, dryly, “No problem. I can handle that.”
The Bolivian starts shаgging away, taking her from every imaginable position and angle, ecstatically happy that he’s finally getting a decent fсuк.
Suddenly the Gaucho Whоrе says, “What? Is that it? I can’t feel anything. Go on, stick it in and get started for god’s sake!”
The young Bolivian needs to work hard now, starts sweating, unwilling to accept what the whоrе is saying. After a while, he decides to stick his foot in.
“Are you taking the рiss, sonny?” says the Gaucho Whоrе. “Either you want to fсuк or you can fсuк off right now!”
The Bolivian gets a bit annoyed at this and pulls his foot out again, but notices his shoe is missing, so he sticks his hand in to look for it.
He searches and searches, getting more and more desperate. Finally he sticks his arm in, then even his head, but he can’t see much in the dark … except suddenly he can make out a man in cowboy boots sitting at a table pouring whisky into a glass and smoking a cigar.
“What the fсuк are you doing here?” says the Bolivian. ” I seem to have lost my shoe. Have you seen it by any chance?”
“Your shoe? Sorry, no,” says the cowboy. “Actually, I’m looking for something myself. Seen a horse by any chance?”