Ζωή μετά θάνατον
Un patron demande à un employé : - Vous croyez à la vie après la mort ? - Euh...oui
- Czy wierzy Pan w życie po śmierci? - pyta szef pracownika. - Tak
"Tror de på genopstandelse efter døden?"
Főnök az egyik fiatal alkalmazottjához: - Géza
My boss asked me
- Caporal Bula! Dumneata crezi in reinvierea dupa moarte ? - Nu cred domn capitan! Dar de ce ma intrebati tocmai pe Mine? - Pentru ca bunicul tau a carui inmormantare a fost acum Trei zile
"Yes, sir," the clerk replied.
"That's good," the boss said. "After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother's funeral, she stopped in to see you."