да си ГО вкара в резачката на хляб
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Мъж започнал работа в консервна фабрика.
Bill travaillait dans une usine de cornichons. Il avait travaillé ici depuis plusieurs années quand il rentra chez lui un soir
Roger travaille dans une conserverie de légumes industrielle. ça fait quelques années déjà qu'il fait ce boulot
Een man werkt in een augurkenfabriek. Op een avond komt hij thuis en zucht tegen z'n vrouw: "Schat
O sujeito trabalhava há anos em uma fábrica de conservas e um dia confessa para a mulher que era possuído de uma terrível compulsão: ele tinha uma vontade enorme de colocar seu pinto em um cortador...
A few weeks later, Bill returns home absolutely ashen. His wife asks, "What's wrong, Bill?"
"Do you remember how I told you about my tremendous urge to put my реnis into the pickle slicer?"
His wife gasps, "My God, Bill, what happened?"
"I got fired."
"No, Bill - I mean, what happened with the pickle slicer?"
"Oh, um, she got fired, too."