Сексуална исцрпеност
Главниот фраер во класот
- сегодня
- Ученици! - спира се класната на вратата.
Учителката казва на децата:
Un professeur à l'Université rappelle à son amphi que le lendemain aura lieu l'examen de mécanique.
A High School English Teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam.
Mokytoja sako: - Rytoj rašome labai svarbų kontrolinį darbą. Dalyvavimas būtinas. Tėvų rašteliai negalioja. Reikia rimtos
He stressed the importance of this particular assignment, and that no excuses would be accepted except illness or a death in the immediate family.
A smart-аss student pipes up:
"What about extreme sеxuаl exhaustion, sir?"
The class breaks up laughing, and when they settle down the teacher responds with:
"Well, I guess you'll have to learn to write with your other hand."