There was once a blonde woman on a plane to Detroit. She was in the economy class, but after takeoff, she saw an empty seat in first class and moved there. An attendant saw her and said,
"Excuse me, ma'am, but you have a ticket for economy class, not first. You cannot stay here." The blonde replied, "I can and I will." The attendant told the copilot, who came and talked to the woman. "Ma'am, we really can't have you staying in this seat, your ticket was for economy."
"You can't make me move." The copilot told the captain, who tried to talk her out of the seat but it didn't work. Finally, a man who had heard what had been going on told the attendant to let him have a go at getting the woman out of the seat because he was married to a blonde too, so he knew how to deal with her. After a quick chat with her, she moved. The shocked attendant asked him how he did it. The man replied, "I told her first class wasn't going to Detroit."
у блондинки билет на самолет в эконом классе Блондинка се качва в самолет и сяда в бизнес класа. Една блондинка се качила на самолет и седнала в първа класа. Една блондинка се качила в самолет за Ямайка A blonde gets on an airplane and sits down in the first class section of the plane. There's this blonde. She gets on a plane and sits in the first available seat. The flight attendant is coming around checking tickets. Ein Österreicher besteigt ein Flugzeug nach Jamaica und setzt sich in der ersten Klasse. Die Stewardess A plane is on its way to Detroit when a blonde woman in economy class gets up and moves into an open seat in the first class section. On a plane bound for New York the flight attendant approached a blonde sitting in the first class section and requested that she move to coach since she did not have a first class ticket. A beautiful young model boarded a plane to New York with a ticket for the economy section. She looked at the seats in economy Ήταν κάποτε μια ξανθιά σε ένα αεροπλάνο. Έρχεται τότε μια κυρία και της ζητά το εισιτήριο της. Αυτή της το δίνει και η κυρία της λέει: - Πρέπει να πάτε στη τελευταία θέση. Και η ξανθιά της απαντά: - Εγώ είμαι σταρ και πάω στην Νέα Υόρκη. Φεύγει τότε η κυρία και πάει σε έναν υπεύθυνο και του... Blondynka leci do Paryża. Podchodzi stewardesa i mówi: - Poproszę bilet. Blondynka daje a stewardesa: - Pani siedzi w 2 rzędzie a ma pani bilet na 8. - Ale ja tu zostaję. Po kilku minutach rozmowy stewardesa idzie do pilota i mówi: - Idź do tej pani i... Flygvärdinnan på ett flygplan som skulle till New York gick fram till en blond kvinna som satt i första klass. Flygvärdinnan bad blondinen att flytta till ekonomiklassens avdelning En blondin skulle åka flyg till Paris. Hon skulle åka andra klass. Men när blondinen gick på satte hon sig i första klass. Då sa flygvärdinnan till henne att flytta till andra klass. - Jag är ung Durante un volo per Montreal En blondin hade felaktigt satt sig i 1:a klass på planet till Mallorca Em um avião indo para Nova York Blondi istui etelän lennolla ensimmäisessä luokassa A young blonde with a coach ticket went up and sat down in the first class section of a plane going from Tampa to Los Angles The airline hostess said I'm sorry miss but you have to sit in the coach... Sur un vol à destination de New-York Uma loira ia viajar para EUA A blonde was headed to Detroit. She got on the plane and sat down in first class. A few minutes later Une blonde monte en avion et s'assoit dans la section des premières classes. L'hôtesse lui dit qu'elle doit s'asseoir ailleurs car son ticket est un ticket de seconde classe. La blonde répond : -... A loira entra no avião e num descuido do comissário vai para a Primeira Classe sentando-se e já colocando o cinto. O comissário ao percebê-la Blondýnka letí do Hollywoodu a sedne si do první třídy. Letuška kontroluje letenky a řekne blondýně at opustí první třídu a přemístí se do druhé. Blondýna řekne:Ale ja letím na modeling do... Een vliegtuig is op weg naar Toronto als een dom blondje in de economy class opstaat en in de eerste klas gaat zitten. De stewardess ziet dit