Der Himmel ist total überfüllt. Petrus und der Chef einigen sich darauf
Klingelt’s an der Himmelstür. Petrus geht hin und öffnet: „Tut mir leid
- A trecut ceva vreme de cand am aflat ca nevasta-mea are o relatie extraconjugala... asa ca intr-o zi am decis sa merg acasa intr-un moment neprevazut si
Szent Péternél egyszerre három ember jelentkezik felvételre. Péter úgy gondolja
Er komt een man bij de hemelpoort en zegt god: "Je mag er alleen in als je een goed verhaal hebt. "Nou"
Deux hommes meurent et arrivent au Paradis. - De quoi êtes-vous morts ? leur demande Saint Pierre. - De joie
"Wow, that's pretty bad, finding out your wife cheated and falling off your balcony. You pass." The second guy says, "God, my only сriме was that I enjoyed dancing nакеd in my apartment while eating pickles out of the jar. I was doing just that one day, when I slipped on a pickle and fell over my balcony. Luckily, I was able to grab on to the ledge below mine. After a few minutes, a man came and I thought he was going to rescue me, but he began to stomp on my hands. I fell, but luckily, I fell into the bushes. I thought I had survived, but that man threw a fridge at me and I died!" God replies,
"Wow, that's very cruel, being crushed to death." The third man says,
"I died nакеd in a fridge."