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Дъщеря ми каза
My son made the mistake of telling me I was being overdramatic so I just changed the WiFi password.
We'll see who's overdramatic in about 5 minutes.
Parent Jokes
Two small boys met during their first day at school. "My name is Billy. What's yours?" asked the first boy. "Tommy
Kaksi alle kouluikäistä poikaa
Deux enfants à l’école : - Moi mon père
While two families were waiting in line to see the Washington Monument, their two 5-year-old boys were getting acquainted.
"My name is Joshua. What's yours?" asked the first boy.
"Adam," replied the second." My daddy is a doctor. What does YOUR daddy do for a living?" asked Joshua.
Adam proudly replied, "My daddy is a lawyer."
"Honest?" asked Joshua.
"No, just the regular kind," replied Adam.
Doctor's jokes, Health Jokes, Medical joke
| Judge Jokes, Court Jokes, Judiciary
| Lawyer Jokes
Спират един шофьор и го глобяват за превишена скорост.
Одого мужика застукали за пpевышение скоpости. Полицейский оштpафовал его на кpугленькую сумму и выписал мужику квитанцию.
- Co mam zrobić z tym kwitkiem? - pyta kierowca
"What am I supposed to do with this?" grumbled a motorist as the policeman handed him a speeding ticket.
"Keep it," the cop said, "when you collect four of them you get a bicycle."
Work Jokes, Office Jokes
| One Liner Jokes, Short jokes
| Police, Policemen, Cops and Law Enforcement jokes
Προσέχτε μην σας τύχει...
Просто си седях в тоалетната на гарата
Един човек влиза в някаква тоалетна.
Влагам у ВЦ у Рамстор
Μόλις είχα καθήσει
Заходит мужик в туалет. Снял штаны
Jag hade precis satt mig ner på den offentliga toaletten när jag hörde en röst från toaletten bredvid som sa
Ich war auf der Autobahn als ich mich entschloss kurz anzuhalten um auf die Toilette zu gehen. Das Erste war besetzt
Un gars rentre dans un bar il va aux toilettes et à peine il se met sur la cuvette qu'il entend : "Salut ça va ?" Il se dit que c'est bizarre de se d'amitié dans cet endroit mais bon on ne choisit...
Сидить чоловік у туалеті
Ero in autostrada
J'étais sur l'autoroute quand je décidai de m'arrêter dans une halte routière pour aller aux toilettes. La première toilette était prise
Genç adam
Oggi sono entrato in un bagno pubblico ed appena ho chiuso la porta ho sentito la voce nel bagno accanto dire: "Ciao
C'est quelqun qui va au toilettes publiques et il entend dans la cabine d'à côté: - Bonjour
I was in in the public restroom. I was barely sitting down when I heard a voice in the other stall:
"Hi, how are you?"
Me: (embarrassed) "Doin' fine!"
Stall: "So what are you up to?"
Me: "Uhhh, I'm like you, just sitting here."
Stall: "Can I come over?"
Me: (attitude) "No, I'm a little busy right now!!"
Stall: "Listen, I'll have to call you back. There's an idiот in the other stall who keeps answering all my questions!
- Киро
Redneck told wife - When are you going to Britain for your training
Una mujer se va de viaje a Brasil para asistir a un curso de entrenamiento de dos semanas de su empresa. Su esposo la llevó al aeropuerto y le deseó un feliz viaje. La esposa le contestó:
A woman goes to England to attend a 2-week
Charles era um sujeito muito brincalhão. Certo dia a sua esposa estava indo para a França
Wife: I am going to Madrid, what gift do you want?
Husband: One Spanish Girl...
Wife returns from Madrid
Husband: Where is my gift?
Wife: Wait for nine months...
Men-Women jokes
На заболекар:
Zahnarzt zum Patienten: "Das kann jetzt ein bisschen weh tun." Patient: "Kein Problem" Zahnarzt: "Ich habe seit 3 Jahren ein Verhältnis mit Ihrer Frau."
Dentist: “This will hurt a little.”
Patient: “OK.”
Dentist: “I’ve been having an affair with your wife for a while now.”
Doctor's jokes, Health Jokes, Medical joke
| Dentist jokes
Отива една мадама при лекаря:
Пришла одна баба к врачу.
При доктора:
A woman seated herself in the psychiatrists office. "What seems to be the problem?" the doctor asked. "Well
- Va rog sa ma ajutati
A lady says to the psychiatrist, "I think I might be a nymphomaniac."
He says, "I'll see what I can do to help you. My fee is eighty dollars an hour."
She says, "How much for all night?"
Money jokes
| Doctor's jokes, Health Jokes, Medical joke
| Dirty jokes
| Sex Jokes
6 годишният ми син: Тате
6-year-old: Do dragons fаrт fire?
Me: I don't know.
6: I thought you went to college
Kids jokes, Toddler Jokes, Children jokes
Congressman's Money
- Give me your money!
- Това е обир
Грабитель на темной улочке останавливает одинокого пешехода:
Eines späten Abends in Berlin wird ein gut gekleidedter älterer Herr von einem maskierten Räuber überfallen: "Los
Un político se pierde en el camino. Entonces un ladrón se le acerca con una pistola y le grita: -¡Esto es un asalto
Dammi i tuoi soldi! Sono un politico Allora dammi i miei soldi
Un ladrón coge a un hombre por la calle. - Deme todo su dinero. - Oiga
Um ladrão se aproxima de um senhor posudo e diz: — Me passe já o seu dinheiro. O senhor fica indignado e retruca
O ladrão foi assaltar um político: - Passa o dinheiro! - Calma! Calma! Eu sou deputado. - Ah
A thief walks up to a man in a suit and pulls out a gun. The Thief says: “Give me your money.” The man in the suit turns around surprised. He raises his hands and says: “But
Un rapinatore va da una persona e dice: "Dammi i tuoi soldi!" Ma lui risponde: "Ma io sono un politico!" E il rapinatore risponde: "Allora dammi i miei soldi!".
Egy rabló pisztollyal megy az utcán. Meglát egy öltönyös gazdag embert ahogy kiszáll a BMW-ből. - Ez biztos nagyon gazdag.- gondolja. Odamegy a pisztollyal és elkiáltja magát! - Add ide a pénzed! -...
Un ladrón a punta de pistola
- ¡Esto es un asalto
Egy rabló megállít egy embert
Presretne pljačkaš sa fantomkom na glavi uglađenog gospodina u novom odelu: - Daj mi tvoje pare
Late one night a mugger wearing a ski mask jumped into the path of a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs.
"Give me your money," he demanded.
Indignant, the affluent man replied, "You can’t do this – I’m a US Congressman!"
"In that case," replied the robber, "Give me MY money!"
Money jokes
| Men jokes
| Government and Government employees jokes
| Political Joke
A boy, frustrated with all the rules he had to follow, asked his father,
"Dad, how soon will I be old enough to do as I please?"
The father answered immediately,
"I just don't know, son. No male has ever lived that long yet."
One Liner Jokes, Short jokes
"Honey," said this husband to his wife, "I invited a friend home for supper."
"What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I haven't been shopping, all the dishes are dirтy, and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!"
"I know all that."
"Then why did you invite a friend for supper?"
"Because the poor fool's thinking about getting married."
Jokes about Women
| Marriage Jokes, Family Jokes
| Dirty jokes
| Friendship Jokes
Искусственный интеллект
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
Husband admiring his body in the mirror says to wife "look at that, 14 stones of pure dynamite !"
Wife replies "yeah, shame about the 2 inch fuse..."
Men-Women jokes
| Marriage Jokes, Family Jokes
| Men jokes
Do you remember, before the internet, that it was thought that the cause of collective stupidity was the lack of access to information?
Well ... it wasn't that
- "Крава!" - казах аз на една жена
Ein Mann fährt eine steile Bergstrasse hinauf. Eine Frau fährt dieselbe Strasse hinunter. Als sie sich begegnen
Górzysta droga. Facet prowadzi samochód. Naprzeciw niego jedzie drugi samochód
I yelled
Naisautoilija pysäytti miesautoilijan
Igår skrek jag "KOSSA!" till en kvinna på cykel. Hon svarade genom att ge mig längfingret. Sen brakade hon rakt in i kossan jag varnat för. Jag försökte i alla fall!
I yelled “Cow!” at a woman on a bike...
She gave me the finger.
Then she ran into a cow.
I tried.
Cow jokes
В детсвото
Childhood is when you go to the toilet in the night and then you run back and jump in your bed, glad that the monster under the bed didn’t get you.
Adulthood is when the monster lies in the bed next to you.
Marriage Jokes, Family Jokes
I was gutted this afternoon when my wife told me my 6 year old son wasn't actually mine.
She then said I need to pay more attention at school pick up.
School jokes, Teacher Jokes
| Marriage Jokes, Family Jokes
| Kids jokes, Toddler Jokes, Children jokes
| One Liner Jokes, Short jokes
| Dad Jokes
Двама мъже хванали две монахини и почнали да ги изнасилват.
Двама изнасилват две монахини. Едната казва:
2 monjas que las estan violando a la vez.
Dos violadores que ingresan al convento Santa Clara
Dos monjitas están siendo violadas
Två nunnor strosar genom en mörk gränd då två stora män hoppar fram och börjar våldta dem. Den första nunnan tittar upp mot himlen och skriker. - Förlåt dem fader
Twee nonnen lopen door een donker steegje en worden plotseling gegrepen door twee mannen. Terwijl ze wordt verkracht
Zwei Nonnen werden auf dem Weg ins Kloster von zwei Burschen belästigt. "Herr
Er lopen twee nonnen door een donkere steeg. Plotseling worden ze overvallen door twee wilde mannen en voor ze het weten liggen ze naakt op de grond. Zegt de ene non tegen de andere: “Oh God...
Het is avond en twee nonnen lopen samen naar de kerk. Ineens worden ze door 2 mannen een steegje ingetrokken. De mannen beginnen de nonnen te betasten en voordat de nonnen het beseffen worden ze...
Dos monjas en el amazonas
Estas son 2 monjas que ivan por la calle y le saltan 2 atracadores
Two nuns are walking back to the convent at night when two men push them into a dark alley and start having sеx with them.
One nun says "God, forgive them for they know not what they are doing!"
The second nun says "Speak for yours! Mine is a Master!"
Religion jokes
| God
| Dirty jokes
| Sex Jokes
| Communication Jokes