A guy goes to an interview for a job as a government accountant.
The interviewer asks him, "Are you a veteran?"
The guy says, "Why yes, in fact, I served two tours in Vietnam."
"Good," says the interviewer, "that counts in your favor. Do you have any service related disabilities?"
The guy says, "In fact I am 100% disabled. During a battle, an explosion removed my gеniтаls so they declared me disabled... but it doesn't affect my ability to work, though."
"Sorry to hear about the damage, but I have some good news for you, I can hire you right now! Our working hours are 8 to 4. Come on in tomorrow about 10, and we'll get you started."
The guy says, "If working hours are from 8 to 4, why do you want me to come at 10?"
"Well, here in the government offices, we don't do anything but sit round and scratch our ваlls for the first two hours. No point your coming in for that."
Retired Marine Αναζήτηση εργασίας... Мъж отива да търси работа в Канадските пощи. Интервюиращият го пита: Един човек кандидатства за държавна работа. Подал документи и стигнал до лично интервю. C'est l'histoire d'un mec qui veut se faire embaucher aux impôts. Il passe les différents entretiens ; tout se passe bien et au dernier moment il se sent obligé d'apporter quelques précisions : A man was being interviewed for a job. Einstellungstest bei der Stadtverwaltung: "Sind Sie gegen etwas allergisch?" "Ja C'est l'histoire du personne qui veut se faire embaucher aux services des impôts.A la fin de son entretien il dit à son futur patron : "Vous savez monsieur je ne sais pas si c'est grave mais pendant la guerre j'ai perdu une testicule. -Oh mais ne vous inquiétez pas du coup venez demain à 11h -Oh... Le DRH : - Bonjour Facet na rozmowie o pracę: - Gdzie Pan wcześniej pracował? - Służyłem w armii. Byłem w marines. - Uczestniczył Pan w jakimś konflikcie wojskowym? - Owszem. Byłem dwa lata w Wietnamie i tam zdarzył... Le recruteur lui demande: - « Êtes-vous allergique à quelque chose? » Il répond: - « Oui Интервю за работа в държавната администрация. Интервюиращият: - Разкажете ни повече за себе си? - Ами бях наемен войник преди време En Veteran kommer inn på NAV for et jobbintervju. En avdelingsdirektør skal intervjue ham og spør ham: "Har du vært i militærtjeneste?" "Ja