Дядо разказва на внучетата си страшни приказки за лека нощ:
Un vieil explorateur est convié à une soirée chez la comtesse de Mormoilneux.
Стар дядо в инвалидна количка разказва на внуците ловджийските си истории:
Två medlemmar i jaktklubben blir presenterade för klubbens äldsta medlem (för övrigt skaparen av AllaRoligaHistorier.se). De ber honom berätta sin favoritjakthistoria. – Jag minns 1944 i Afrika
Safari. Il grande cacciatore tornato dall’Africa racconta le sue avventure agli amici al bar: “Beh
El abuelo esta contandole una historia a sus nietos. Dice el abuelo: cuando yo era joven fui cazador y un dia me encontre de frente con un leon
Um velho caçador em comtra um velho amigo seu e lhe comta uma antiga caçada sua; — Ai eu fui caçar um leão compadre que tinha mais de dois metros
They ask him to tell his favorite hunting story, and he agrees.
“Well, back in 1944 in Africa,” the old man starts, “we went big-game hunting. Didn’t have much luck at first, but on the third day I was resting by a tree when I heard a noise. Next thing I know the biggest lion I’ve ever seen jumped out of the bushes at me like this…RO-A-A-R-R-R! Well, I just shiт my pants.”
The young men are amazed.
One of them says, “I don’t blame you. I’d сrар my pants too if a lion jumped at me like that!”
The old man shakes his head and says, “No, no, not then-just now when I said roar!”