Είδες τίποτε;
Мутра влиза и обира банка. Пита Свидетел:
A robber robs a bank
Бандит ограбва банка и взима заложници. Пита първия:
Kommt ein Mann mit einer Waffe in die Bank und kassiert alles Bargeld. Den daneben stehenden Mann fragt er: "Haben Sie gesehen
Um perigoso ladrão entra armado em um banco. Assustando os clientes
A masked man walks into a bank and holds it up at gunpoint to rob the bank. In the process of robbing the bank
Bandyta wchodzi do banku
A man with a gun goes into a bank and demands for money. Once he is given the money
Un rapinatore
He told all in the bank not to look at him or he would shoot them.
One foolhardy customer sneaked a look, and the robber promtply shot him.
The robber asked if anyone else had seen his face.
One customer, gazing intently at the ground, said "I think my wife got a glimpse"