A man flying in a hot air balloon suddenly realizes he’s lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below.
He lowers the balloon further and shouts to get directions, "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?"
The man below says: "Yes. You're in a hot air balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field."
"You must work in Information Technology," says the balloonist.
"I do" replies the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," says the balloonist, "everything you have told me is technically correct, but It's of no use to anyone."
The man below replies, "You must work in management."
"I do," replies the balloonist, "But how'd you know?"
"Well", says the man, "you don’t know where you are or where you’re going, but you expect me to be able to help. You’re in the same position you were before we met, but now it’s my fault."
Orientierung in einem Heissluftballon Mit dem Ballon verirrt Marketing Ο Διευθυντής Шерлок Холмс и доктор Уотсън летели с балон. Човек Ο κομπιουτεράς και ο μάνατζερ Воздушный шар сбился с курса Un hombre está volando en un globo aerostático y se da cuenta de que se encuentra perdido. Mientras hace algunas maniobras ve a un tipo caminando por el campo. El hombre hace descender el globo algunos metros y grita: - Perdone George and Harry out in a hot air balloon to cross the Atlantic Ocean. After 37 hours in the air Zwei Ballonfahrer haben sich im Nebel mit ihrem Ballon verirrt. Plötzlich taucht im Nebel ein 2. Ballon auf mit einer Person an Bord. Da ruft einer der beiden Verirrten: " Hallo A guy is flying in a hot air balloon and he's lost. So he lowers himself over a field and shouts to a guy on the ground:"Can you tell me where I am Un tipo va en coche por la carretera y se da cuenta de que está perdido. Se detiene en un arcén y pregunta a un viandante que pasaba por allí: - Oiga Il y a deux types dans une montgolfière. Le premier demande au second : "Excusez-moi Un ingénieur et un physicien profitent du beau temps et décide de faire une promenade en ballon. Le temps se couvre rapidement Uma vez um homem viajava em um balão de ar quente quando descobriu que estava totalmente perdido. Visto que sua situação era desesperadora Un tipo volaba en globo En man i en varmluftsballong insåg att han kommit vilse. Han minskade höjden och såg en kvinna nere på marken. Han sänkte sig ytterligare ner och ropade: - Ursäkta Un uomo su un pallone aerostatico finisce su un albero in mezzo alle campagne in una zona desolata. Passa di li' una persona A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below. She descended a bit more and shouted Um homem voando num balão percebe que estava perdido. Ao ver alguém lá embaixo Adamın biri balona binmiş ve uçarken yolunu kaybedip bilmediği bir yerde bir çayıra doğru sürüklenmiş. Balonun aşağıda çok yaklaştığı bir sırada aşağıda birini görmüş ve sormuş: - Kayboldum Ο φίλοι κάνουν ένα ταξίδι με αερόστατο. Κάποια στιγμή αρχίζει να βρέχει. Σε πολύ λίγο η βροχή γίνεται καταιγίδα και το αερόστατο κομμάτια. Πυξίδες και χάρτες χάνονται. Οι δύο φίλοι κρατιούνται από...