нью-йорк. в самый крутой магазин по продаже изделий из меха заходит...
Петък вечер старец и доста млада
Ο Λαλαούνης
A white-haired old man walked into a jewelry store on a Friday
Мужик с потрясной телкой заходят в один из самых дорогих меховых магазинов на Беверли Хиллс.
Un hombre entra
Un homme arrive chez Cartier
A man walks into a very posh Rodeo Drive furrier with a gorgeous blonde on his arm. "Show the lady your finest mink!" the fellow exclaims. So the owner of the shop goes in the back and comes out...
Um sujeito entra numa loja de peles com uma loira espetacular. Ele diz ao vendedor: — Quero que você dê a esta moça a mais linda estola de pele que você tiver nesta loja. O vendedor mostra algumas...
Contributed by Aaron Ray A balding
Een heer komt binnen bij Cartier
Freitag Abend
Een wat oudere man
Egy férfi bemegy a barátnőjével egy elegáns boltba. A hölgy kiválaszt egy bundát
He told the jeweler he was looking for a special ring for his girlfriend.
The jeweler looked through his stock and brought out a $5,000 ring and showed it to him.
The old man said, "I don't think you understand, I want something very special."
At that Statement, the jeweler went to his special stock and brought another ring over.
"Here's a stunning ring at only $40,000," the jeweler said. The young lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement.
The old man seeing this said, "We'll take it."
The jeweler asked how payment would be made and the old man stated, by check. "I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I'll write it now and you can call the bank Monday to verify the funds and I'll pick the ring up Monday afternoon," he said.
Monday morning, a very teed-off jeweler phoned the old man. "There's no money in that account."
"I know," said the old man, "but can you imagine the weekend I had?"
Don't mess with Old People.