Бабата која сакала со дедото да прават како во младоста
Hot Breakfast
Една баба и един дядо празнували златната си сватба.
40 χρόνια μετά
Oma hat sich gewünscht
Ein Ehepaar feiert goldene Hochzeit. Zu diesem Anlass wollen sie es noch einmal genauso treiben wie vor 50 Jahren. Sie kocht ein tolles Menü und beide setzen sich splitternackt zu Tisch. Sagt sie: "Ach Schatz
Το ζεύγος παντρεμένο 50 χρόνια. Μια μέρα στο τραπέζι του πρωινού λέει η γιαγιά: - Σκέψου αγάπη μου
Pour leurs 50 ans de mariage
C'est deux vieux dans un restaurant
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Badea Ion si Maria se duc la o nunta. Dupa starea civila
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Un batran si o Batrana stateau la masa si luau micul Dejun
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'Just think, fifty years ago we were sitting at this same breakfast table together.'
'I know,' the old man said. 'We were probably sitting here nакеd as a jaybird, too .'
'Well,' Granny snickered. 'Let's relive some old times.'
Where upon, the two stripped to the buff and sat back down at the table.
'You know, honey,' the little old lady breathlessly replied, 'My niррlеs are as hot for you today as they were fifty years ago.'
'I wouldn't be surprised,' replied Gramps. 'One's in your coffee and the other is in your oatmeal.'