Αμπντουλάχ !!
Жена корабокрушенка попада на остров. След време се натъкнала на дивашко племе. Вождът казал:
Werden drei Forscher im Urwald von Eingeborenen gefangen genommen. Sagt der Häuptling zum ersten:
There was a plane crash into the jungle. A group of men survived
Van 2 tíos por la jungla y los pilla una tribu. Se los llevan al poblado atados con cuerdas y los ponen delante del jefe. El jefe mosqueado al ver intrusos
Um francês
Ein Missionar läuft in Afrika durch den Dschungel. Auf einmal stolpert er über eine Wurzel. Da stürzen lauter Eingeborene aus den Pflanzen hervor und halten den Missionar fest. Der Häuptling fragt...
Due scienziati vengono catturati dagli indigeni nell’Africa Nera e rinchiusi in una gabbia. Dopo qualche ora il capo tribu’ apre la gabbia tira fuori un prigioniero e gli chiede: “Tu cosa...
3 people explored the jungles
Deux explorateurs se font attraper par une tribu de sauvage dans la jungle. Le chef de la tribu au premier d'entre eux : - « Tu choisis : soit c'est Tchi-Tchi
Gita in Africa. un gruppo di 10 persone viene catturato dalla tribù dei bunga bunga
Certo dia um homem viajou para uma reserva da África para caçar. De repente ele é surpreendido por uma tribo de índios. Os indios o amarraram no tronco de uma árvore
The men came across a village in the middle of a jungle, immediately they were surrounded by a tribe of islanders.
The chief walks to the men and says, "What do you choose, Death or Boogaloo?"
The first man thinks for a second and replies, "I choose Boogaloo".
The chief smiles and the tribe begins to chant "boogaloo, boogaloo, boogaloo".
The chief takes the man, bends him over and f**ks him up.
The second man is horrified at what he has just witnessed and then the chief walks up to him and asks, "You must choose, Death or Boogaloo?"
The man thinks he would rather die than have boogaloo, so he replies, "I choose death."
The tribe roars in ecstasy and the chief yells, "Death by boogaloo!!!"