На африканскиот главатар му се родило бело дете
На вожда на африканско племе му се ражда бяло дете. Вика той белия мисионер и му вика:
In einem Dorf im TIEFEN Afrika lebt als einziger weißer ein Missionar. Eines Tages kommt ein Eingeborener zu ihm und fragt:
White priest goes and lives with an African tribe. He spends his days teaching the way of the lord. After several years
A professor travels to Africa to live with a primitive tribe and spends years with them
Cela se passe en Afrique. Dans ce village
Um padre tinha ido evangelizar na África Negra
Dans le village centre-africain naît un bébé blanc. Le papa vexé se pose des questions et trouve une réponse alors il va voir le missionnaire
Nasce uma criança branca numa aldeia da África. O chefe da tribo manda chamar o missionário que era o único homem branco por ali: — Calma chefe
Der Häuptling in einem afrikanischen Dorf ist entsetzt. Seine Frau hat gerade ein weißes Kind zur Welt gebracht. Sofort ruft er den einzigen Weißen
Een arts van artsen zonder grenzen wordt naar donker Afrika gestuurd om iets aan geboortebeperking te doen. Daar aangekomen blijkt er één opperhoofd te zijn en de rest alleen maar vrouwen. "Kijk"
Numa aldeia africana
Out in the middle of darkest Africa there was a White Missionary living with a tribe of black natives. One day the big chief comes along and calls the Missionary into his hut
Ca se passe en Afrique noire
Vienas misionierius vienai Afrikos tautelei skelbė krikščioniškas idėjas. Skelbė jis metus
Den hvide missionær i Afrika blev kaldt til høvdingen
Gaat een zendeling zieltjes winnen bij een afgelegen stam in Congo . Eerste kennismaking gaat een beetje stroef maar na een paar maanden is hij behoorlijk geaccepteerd en is de stam al aardig...
En svenske var hjelpearbeider i et sted i Afrika. En dag kom stammehøvdingen til ham og sa at en kvinne i landsbyen hadde født ett hvitt barn og han spurte om svensken hadde en forklaring på det. -...
Missionären Josef hade i flera år bott i en afrikansk stam. En dag kom Bongo till honom med sin nyfödda baby. - Josef
Un misionero español viaja a una tribu del Congo
Un infuriato uomo di colore di una tribù africana va dal prete missionario che si trova lì con loro e gli dice: "Fratello tu dovere dare me spiegazione
Vienas antropologas kelerius metus gyveno laukinėje Afrikos gentyje
Ο λευκός ιεραπόστολος ζούσε ειρηνικά σε ένα Αφρικάνικο χωριό εδώ κι ένα χρόνο περίπου. Μια μέρα ο αρχηγός του χωριού τον κάλεσε στη σκηνή του για να συζητήσουν για ένα μεγάλο πρόβλημα. - Τι...
Dans un village africain peuplé de d’africain bien noir
Un scientifique blanc étudie une tribu en Afrique Un jour
Jeden misionář přijel do střední Afriky a usadil se u jednoho kmene. Strávil tam více než rok. Učil je číst a psát a seznamoval je s křesťanskou vírou. Obzvlášť zdůrazňoval sexuální čistotu a...
One day, the wife of one of the Tribe’s noblemen gives birth to a white child. The village is shocked and the chief is sent by his people to talk with the missionary. “You have taught us of the evils of sеxuаl sin, yet here a black woman gives birth to a white child. You are the only white man that has ever set foot in our village. It doesn’t take a genius to work out what has been going on!”
The missionary replies: “No, no, my good man. You are mistaken. What you have here is a natural occurrence - what is called an albino. Look to thy yonder field. See a field of white sheep, and yet amongst them is one black one. Nature does this on occasion.”
The chief pauses for a moment then says, “Tell you what, you don’t say anything about the sheep, I won’t say anything about the white child.”